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You sigh as you opened your eyes. Today, waking up you felt really lazy and you don't want to move a single muscle. Sure somedays you were lazy but nothing compared to this day, though deep down you knew this wasn't laziness you're feeling. You just wanted to avoid a particular white-haired prince.

Speaking of Mammon, should you even go to his room and wake him up like usual? Wouldn't that be awkward? You hated awkward moments so you tend to avoid when the such happens. Though this is your job as his handmaiden, should you avoid your duties just this once? 

Grabbing a pillow you slammed it on your face and let out a scream. Your cries were muffled by the soft pillow so you can avoid anyone hearing you if ever someone pass by your room.

Immediately jumping into a sitting position, you decided it would be for the best that you don't wake or see him today, not until you could forgive him and less awkwardness between the two of you. You started thinking more less of what happened yesterday and started to get ready for the day.

You made sure to avoid the dining hall first thing in the morning due to a certain person. 


   Mammon slowly opened his eyes, some light seeping into his room despite the curtains that was blocking his windows. He move into a sitting position and let out a yawn as well as stretching both of his arms in the process. He looked around his room and let out a sigh.

"What time is it? Isn't [Y/n] going to wake me up soon?" Mammon said to himself, an irritated expression was on his face. Though his face soon contorted into one of sadness and regret.

"I wouldn't blame her, I am a jerk after all..." He whispers to himself. Mammon drag himself out of the comforts of his bed.

Checking the time, he was surely late for breakfast. Sighing, he just hoped his food somehow stayed warm. He doesn't want to eat cold food, it just doesn't taste right to him.

Quickly getting ready for the day he dash to the dining hall upon seeing his brothers except Lucifer. Panting, Mammon saw that most of them are already finishing up their breakfast. "Mammon there you are! Why are you late?" Asmo was the first one to notice him first. Mammon rolled his eyes, it's too early to be arguing with his younger brother Asmodeus.

"[Y/n] didn't wake me up..." Mammon said, voice low but it was enough for his brothers to hear. Both Satan and Levi's curious eyes stayed on Mammon.

"Why is that? Is she on leave or something?" Satan ask. "Its nothing!" Mammon said, he wish not to let Satan and Levi know what happened yesterday.

"Well, [Y/n] is angry at Mammon at the moment." Beel said, making Mammon slam his forehead on the table.

"What did you do this time Mammon?" Levi ask, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"It's none of your business." Mammon let out an annoyed groan and continuously stared at his breakfast. Thankful that it was still rather warm.

"There's no time in moping around, if you want to apologize to [Y/n] you better hurry up with your breakfast and lets get to it. You should be thankful I am even helping you out!" Asmo said, slamming his hand on the table as he stared at Mammon. Not liking his actions at the moment.

"Good luck to you I guess, I wonder if [Y/n] will forgive you though." Levi stated, standing up in the process. He quickly disappeared, probably going to his room where he is usually everyday.

"I'll make sure [Y/n] forgives, so I don't need luck!" Mammon shouted so Levi could hear even though he's now out of the dining room. 

"Why would [Y/n] forgive you? Did you do something again Mammon?" The booming voice of Lucifer scared the living hell of Mammon as well as Asmo and Beel. 

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