Kendra seven

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I head out to the amphitheater. I'm wearing leggings for maximum flexibility and a frilly shirt that covers my dagger; I'm hoping it will count as a dress. There is such a large crowd here, all the seniors and people's friends from other grades. A few of the parents flew in to be there for graduation. I don't mind my family too much but I'm glad they didn't fly in. I look through the crowd for Cadrian so I can stand next to him but I don't find him. Belle and Jamia come running out of the forest with their clothes from last morning. I wonder... No one seems to notice though and they merge into the crowd.

The ceremonies start as the dean reads out our accomplishments. Apparently I got full marks on all my exams. I look around and Cadrian's still not here. What if he doesn't show? I start worrying but I reassure myself. He's probably just late.

I walk on to the stage for my diploma. An off white roll of paper with a gold stamp in the middle to hold it together. Our dean, Mrs. Capulia, shakes my hand, her hand is cold, wrinkly and boney.

She continues calling names as I stand in the crowd, getting restless. He's still not here. Maybe he's on the other side and I just can't see him. I slowly make my way to the other side of the crowd. While walking I hear, Cadrian deutsch. After waiting a moment, she moves on.

He's not here.

They get through all the names and give us all one final congratulations before playing music. They also bring out some food. Just chips and a few cakes, but I'm not hungry. Everyone is dancing, laughing, and talking. But I look around frantically. Where could he be? I excuse myself to the restroom and run into the woods on the path we walked on the first night. After thirty minutes I go the opposite direction on the other path. I find nothing.

I run to cadrians room. I ask the dorm head for senior boys if anyone has been in the dorms in the past 45 minutes.

He says no. He looks scared, his eyes are red as if he'd been crying. Huh.

I return to the graduation, it's been an hour and the party is dying down. No one noticed I was gone. I try to pretend I'm having fun and I start stress eating the chips.

Finally I see him.

He's wearing a suit with a very long blazer. Looks like we both had the same idea. He spots me and heads over.

"Where were you?"

"I'm so sorry, the dorm head was giving me hell."

He had told me no one was in there.

"About what?" I ask, pretending to be oblivious.

The dorm head's eyes were red and strained, he looked shaken. Maybe Cadrian had threatened him. But why? It would be best to leave everyone unprovoked. Cadrian's not an idiot. There must have been a good reason.

"Just some final forms and formalities before leaving."


I know he's lying.

But it doesn't matter now, does it? He'll be dead before the end of the hour.

"I'm going to go get my diploma, stay here."

He's back in a couple minutes.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I ask.

"I was about to ask you the same thing." He says with a sly smile.

It's not too difficult to sneak away from the party, and we begin walking on a path.

We don't talk and neither of us attempt to start a conversation.

Then we reach a small, enclosed area. It's an empty patch of grass, with a circle of trees and shrubs around it. The grass in this small area is so soft. We stand facing each other and I can see fire in his eyes. I wonder if he can see it in mine. We haven't spoken to each other yet, what is there to say?

So... how should I go about this? I can't wait too long, or he will strike. If I simply pull out the dagger, he will either run or pull out his weapon. There is a lot of space to escape. So many trees. It would not be too difficult to run and hide. I can't risk that. He needs to be cornered.

"Do you want to keep walking? I saw a gorgeous cave when I came here the other day."

Not true. But I'm sure we'll find a cave. There has to be something that at least resembles a cave.


After 45 minutes, I feel my heart beat faster. This needs to happen now. Now. I stop at a large rock.

"I think the cave was on the other path actually, do you want to just stop here?"

He nods.

"I already miss you, Kendra." I can feel the venom flowing out of his mouth as he attempts to seem sincere.

I smile. My moment is nearing. The time is coming. I just need to find the perfect second. Again, there are three sides he could escape through. If I'm blocking one of them, that still leaves two. I have to get close to him. Very close to him.

He teases, "I like what you've done with your hair, its very-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips against his. He's shocked for a second then he kisses me back, putting his hands around my neck, then cupping my face. His lips are warm and mine are cold, creating an oddly satisfying friction. I push him so that his back is to the boulder, and we continue kissing. Perfect. I reach my hand under my frilly shirt, grabbing hold of the dagger. This is my moment.

But just before I can take it out. Just before I can hold it up. Just before I can stab it into his heart and hear him beg for his life. I trip over a rock and start to tumble down the hill. 

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