Kendra six

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Graduation is tomorrow and I feel so prepared, so ready. The moment I've been waiting for. It's been 4 years and it's finally time. It's so weird going to classes. I had one last final in the morning, then the rest of the classes were just movies and people talking to each other. So weird that I'll never see these people again. Not that I'll miss them. But it'll be weird. Going home. Being done with my mission. Odd. It will feel so weird to be done with my mission.

"Kendra." He calls, and I stop walking to wait for him.


"So, it's our last day together. That's crazy."

"Yeah. We should do something."

"Yeah." I can see the sadness on his face, but not in his eyes. In his eyes I see anger and vengeance. He's ready too. Maybe he'll strike tomorrow as well. But I'm confident. I'm ready.

"What do you want to do?" He asks.

"A walk maybe."

"We do that all the time." He says, "Plus it's really cold outside."

Both of us think.

"What if we just go to the coffee shop and talk." I suggest.

"I do love talking to you."

Both of us smile. Again, with our lips, not our eyes.

We sit at a table.

"So, what about god?" He asks, cutting any small talk.

"What about it?"

"Do you believe in that stuff? Like, a higher being. The afterlife. All that stuff."

I ponder for a moment, then decide to be honest.

"No." I pause, "I mean maybe. I'll never know until I die. I just find it hard to believe. But again, it's hard to believe that we're all just here. Out of the blue. And that this is it. This is the end. You die and you're done. Forever."

"Yeah, me too."

I sigh a breath of relief for some reason, almost as if I care about what he believes.

"My parents are really religious and they would hate it if I didn't believe in that stuff. But it's so weird. To think that there's something bigger than all of us, just controlling everything we do and think."

It's difficult now to distinguish Cadrian talking, and Cadrians "character" talking.

The conversation continues on and we talk about death. This topic seems to come up a lot in our conversations. Then he tells me about his family.

"They're weird people. With such a thirst for revenge. It's been so long, and I don't even know why we're enemies. I don't even think they know."

Now that I think about it, I don't know why this started either. But I do know why I'm doing it. Other than for honor, of course. Once Cadrian dies, the empire will be left slightly off guard. They're already on the verge, and his death will be the cherry on top. Then, we can swoop in, attack, and grow our already huge empire. The bigger the better. Obviously.

A few hours pass and before I know it, it's 8.

"I should probably head back." I say.

The coffee shop closes in a few minutes anyway.


We start to get up and I pay for both of our drinks and he lets me. The air outside is so piercingly cold, just a few seconds and my hands are already numb.

His blood on my handsWhere stories live. Discover now