Belle ten

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I wake up earlier than I need to. I'm not sure whether out of excitement or anxiety. I get ready and head downstairs, my parents are loading the car. Well, a butler is loading the car, they're just standing there. They look at my outfit, eyeing it oddly. But, they don't say anything. We get inside and I put my headphones in. I'm at the back and my parents are at the front, it's peaceful back here. Watching the trees fly past and the clouds move slowly. When you look up at the clouds it barely seems as though they are moving, but if you look away for five minutes the sky looks completely different. The sun starts in front of us and as time passes moves above us. I'm listening to classical music. Just the sounds of pianos and the occasional violin quietly humming in my ear as the car pushes along the bumpy roads. After a few hours we reach a small village filled with poverty. I've only come here a couple times in my entire life. It's sad seeing people living away the cold nights in tents or even just sleeping bags. We buy food and throw it away, not even opened while they eat whatever they can find whether it be six day old leftovers or apples three meals a day.

We continue the drive and my head starts to hurt so I take out my headphones, the sounds of the wheels amplified. My parents are having a quiet conversation and I doze off to the sound of their voices. It reminds me of my childhood. When I was young, around three or four years old, they would hire a nanny even when they were home. So, the nanny would put me to sleep, I never got to be sung to sleep by my parents. But, a child aches for their mother. So, I would listen to her voice from the other room, falling asleep to whatever I could hear through the walls.

I see an empty, black space. I stand alone with nothing around me, the only thing I see is a mirror. I start running towards it and when I look into it, there's no one there. I look around frantically and start screaming for help. I hear whispers around me and quiet growling noises. They gradually grow louder, forming a ringing in my ears. It keeps growing until I can't handle it and the black abyss opens up and I begin to fall through a whole in the ground. Everything around me is flashing and I close my eyes, my heart racing. My eyes fly open and I wake up, panting.

There is a slow, sweet rain and the sky is slightly cloudy. A bit of mist forms in front of us, I know Jamia would love this. We're nearing the palace, only half an hour left and the sun is far behind. 

His blood on my handsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora