Jamia two

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I'm sick today. As far as anyone's concerned. I just need some time to work on things; some time alone. I look through some papers that are lying around the room, and I look through a few drawers too. I don't find as much as I was hoping for, but something is better than nothing.

I walk towards Kendra's side of the room, and under her desk is a gift box. Unopened. I pick it up, and notice how heavy it is. Then, I look at the back. It's an undercover safe. A safe is safe enough, but to go as far as to conceal that it is a safe... what could she be hiding that's so important? That it would be so dangerous for someone to find...

Only four numbers, that's not too difficult. When was her birthday? Maybe her phone password? I don't know. I hear someone coming in and quickly put the box back, and lay on my bed.

Belle walks in carrying a few bags.

"Hey." Her eyes look like a sad puppy.

"Hi." I croak back, giving a somewhat convincing cough.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay."

She looks at me for a moment longer then she hands me one of the bags. She's brought me food. Soup, and a peanut butter sandwich with no jelly. My favorite. I smile and start eating, and she eats her pasta.

"Hey, what's Kendra's password?" I whisper, even though no one but her can hear me.

"Why?" She asks with an innocent giggle.

"We should play a prank on her or something when she comes back." I say, hoping she doesn't suspect anything. I hate lying to her. Especially since she's so gullible. So trusting.

"I don't know, sorry." She looks genuinely disappointed.

Then, her eyes light up, "we should figure it out. Like a secret mission."

I laugh and nod at her, taking another sip of soup.


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