eighteen; frankenstien

Start from the beginning

"Second's a charm" I mutter sarcastically as I hit him again.

When I do this, he gasps for air and I look up at the ceiling laughing. Unable to contain my happiness that I wouldn't die today.

"Lincoln." Octavia mutters.

"Octavia." He mutters back.

"Still want to kill us all?" I smirk at the Commander and at Indra.

They answer by hiding their swords again making me breathe out and look at Octavia who has a happy tear running down her face.

* * *

The grounders were attacking. Everything was pretty much useless when the Commander decided that she would attack anyway unless we gave her Finn. He had to die.

They didn't want to give them Finn what I thought to be one of the most stupid things I've ever heard. Everyone was helping, even John was helping. Spaghetti's arm had given him a gun.

"Hey. Any orders for me, princess?" I see him getting up and calling Clark.

"Stay away from me." She turns at him and I don't say a word.

"Just trying to be helpful," John tells her raising his brows.

"You were with him at the village." She snaps at him and he looks almost offended

"I tried to stop him."

"Not hard enough." She argues

"You know, you want to start blaming people, Clarke?" He asks her sarcastically. "He was out there looking for you."

"I'm sorry to interrupt your little argument, but your mother called for you." I look at Clark who nods at me walking to The Ark.

"I'll be right behind you." I tell her as I walk to John. "How are you doing?"

"Fine, you? I heard you save Octavia's grounder boyfriend." He smirks at me and I scoff.

"If saving him means that I shocked him twice because I remembered Frankenstein. Then hell yeah." I joke widen my eyes a bit not knowing what I was still doing here.

"You'll be fine. You saved him, you should be happy," He reassures me and I look away slightly.

"Well, I'm not. There's a grounder army ready to wipe us out and they..." I point at The Ark. "...don't want to give them Finn."

"Inanna." Bellamy calls me and I nod at him.

"Go." John looks at me and I nod.

I follow him and he takes me to Lincoln, who's with Octavia, Abby, and Delphia.

"He's not a Reaper anymore. He doesn't need to be restrained." Clark speaks out when we arrive, hearing him coughing and pushing on the restraints slightly.

"Yes, I do." He tells us.

"Just tell us. Is there a way to make peace?" Clark asks him hoping that he would say something she would be happy to hear.

"Did she leave riders behind?" he asks

"Two just outside the gate."

"They're waiting for Finn. You don't have much time to decide." Delphia speaks up.

"She can't expect us to just hand over one of our own people. Would she do that?"

"She wouldn't let the rest of her people die to protect a murderer. If you don't do this, she will kill everyone in this camp." Lincoln warns making Clark panic even more.

"There has to be something else that we can offer." She mutters.

"Finn took 18 lives. The commander's offering to take just one in return. Take the deal." Lincoln tells us.

"Lincoln's right." Delphia nods and Clark snaps.

"How can you say that? Finn was the first person to come to you to offer peace. He's your friend."

"He massacred my village. Some of the dead were my friends, too. Her friends." He points at Delphia who swallows hard at the thought of Tiga.

"But that wasn't Finn. You know that's not who he is." Clark tries again.

"It is now. We've all got a monster inside of us, Clarke, and we're all responsible for what it does when we let it out."

"What will they do to him?" Abby asks

"Fire. Because he killed the innocent, it starts with fire." Delphia tells her.


"They'll take his hands. His tongue, his eyes. And anyone who grieves will have a turn with the knife." Lincoln keeps saying and Octavia covers her mouth slightly. "At sunrise, the commander will end it with her sword. But I've never known anyone to survive until the sword. He killed 18, he will suffer the pain of 18 deaths."

"Then we can have peace." Delphia finishes for him, her stare changing as she looks at Clark's stare.

FIRE AND GOLD ▸ JOHN MURPHY (editing) Where stories live. Discover now