Sarge: Huh, favoritism. Command always did like them best.

Thea: That makes sense.

Simmons: He said he'd run us an extension cord if we could find one long enough.

Sarge: No way, not falling for that.

Simmons: Ha, I had a feeling you wouldn't.

Thea: Caboose was being nice.

Sarge: He'd choose just the right moment to cut us off from a valuable resource!

Simmons: A resource we don't even have access to begin with!

Sarge: That's exactly right. He wants to soften us up, and then yank the carpet out from under our feet! No way. Besides, Grif's on his way to figuring out this problem as we speak. Heh heh.

Thea: Huh?

Simmons: Where is he, anyway?

Sarge: Up there.

They look up and Thea immediately looks down.

Thea: Oh god!

Simmons: Wh-what? What's he doing up there?

Grif: Help me Simmooons!

Sarge: I think that blue bolt has something to do with the power and ours isn't working.

Grif: Jesus Chrihihihist!

Simmons: So why didn't you climb up there?

Sarge: Me? Afraid of heights. I mean allergic.

Grif: Everyone's afraid of heights!

Simmons: You have a fear of heights? Didn't you used to jump out of ships in high orbit during the war?

Grif: Thea! Help me!

Thea: I will! I just need a minute to not pass out!

Sarge: And how do you think I developed that fear? That shit was crazy.

Grif: There's a bird up here screwing with me!

Thea: The hell?

Sarge: Quit makin' friends and get up there!

Grif: Shoo, shoo!

Simmons: Sarge, why didn't you just let him use the ladder?

Thea: What ladder?

Camera cuts to an extremely tall ladder next to a cliff that they look at.

Sarge: Oh right. I guess we didn't see that before he started up. My bad.

Thea: Why am I not surprised.

Grif: Goddammit!

Cuts over to Caboose watching Simmons, Thea and Sarge.

Simmons: How could you miss something that big?

Sarge: Well, what can I say, Simmons. I guess you're a bit more observant than the rest of us.

Simmons: No kidding.

Thea: I am not getting in that thing.

Caboose then starts moving down towards a downed ship with Shawn inside the ship.

Moves up to Grif on top of the base's giant spike

Grif: Okay, I made it! I'm at the top!

Sarge: Whaddaya see?

Grif: What!?

Sarge: What do you see?

Grif: What do I see!? I see everything! Because I'm at the top of the freaking world!

Sarge: Can you see the port where to bolt comes out?

Grif: Yeah, it's right here! But I think it's blocked!

Sarge: What?

Grif: It's blocked!

Sarge: What's blocking it?

Grif: It looks like a bunch of pieces of a ship.

Sarge: ... That's disgusting. Who would climb all that way up there just to do that?

Grif: I said ship-puh!

Sarge: Oh right.

Simmons: What kind of ship is it?

Grif: How the hell should I know? It's in a million pieces! What difference does it make?

Thea: I'm guessing it's apart of Tex's ship.

Simmons: Sorry! I'm just naturally curious.

Grif: I'm gonna spit on you Simmons!

Sarge: What do you think, Simmons?

Simmons: Mm, it's really hard to say without seeing it, but I guess he could try to clear the blockage. I'm a little concerned though. If he clears it and that bolt goes off, it could kill him.

Sarge: That's an excellent thought. And what was the concern you said you had?

Thea: Very funny old man.

Simmons: (sighs) Nothing Sir.

Sarge: Alright then, let's get crackin'. Kill two birds with one stone. But I'd settle for one bird and a Grif. Heh heh.

Bird caw

Grif: I said shoo! You stupid freaking bird!

Thea: Cover your eyes! It's a crow!......... Man that crow is angry.

Red vs blue (female OC) season 7Where stories live. Discover now