I quickly send a reply back

"On our way"

"Xander's at The Brew" I said. Andrea gives me a nod and leads the way.

After a few minutes, we arrive at a cafe. Xander was sitting alone in a table for four people. I look at the table beside him and saw three girls looking and giggling at him. One girl was desperately trying to catch his attention while her two friends were cheering her on.

I roll my eyes

Andrea and I walk towards Xander. I look at the girl who was still trying to catch his attention by laughing loudly with her friends.

This girl was desperate

Once Xander sees me, he immediately gives me a lazy smile that never fails to make my heart flutter. The annoyance that I felt was immediately replaced with love and admiration.

"Hey did you have fun?" Xander asked, standing up and giving me a tight hug with a kiss on my temple "Ofcourse she did, she's with me" Andrea joked, flipping her hair. Xander gives her a smile and pulls the chair for me. I slowly sit down to my seat while staring at the girls who were eye raping Xander a few seconds ago.

Their annoying loud laughter turns to hushed whispers making me smirk.

That's what I thought

Andrea looks at me and gives me a smirk. She knew I was annoyed at the three girls.

"What do you guys want to eat?" Xander said, flipping through the menu. I look at the girls and saw that they were all laughing quietly while looking at me

They were too annoying

I clear my throat "Can we eat somewhere else? This restaurant smells.....off" I said loud enough for the three girls to hear. Xander looks at me confused and started sniffing "Off?" I nod

"It smells-" I sniff around, making sure that the girls girls noticed that I was sniffing them "-desperate" I said, making them silent.

Xander looked even more confused

Andrea quickly starts sniffing "No no I know this smell" Andrea quickly starts backing me up

"This is the smell of a fishy vagina" Andrea said loudly making Xander's eyes widen "Three fishy vaginas to be exact" Andrea added with a satisfied smile on her face. I wanted to burst out laughing but I didn't want to ruin the savage moment

"Okay, you girls can choose, I only chose this place because I know that you love places like this" I look at Xander with admiration "Thank you" I whispered and kissed him softly

"Let's go" Andrea said, grabbing her bag and paper bags while smirking at the three girls who were now drinking their coffee with pissed off expressions.


We got home at nine in the evening. Andrea already walked home while Xander and I stayed in the car

"I need to meet up with my uncle, I won't be home tonight" Xander said looking at me. I give him a small smile "It's fine, did you accept your uncle's offer?" He grabs my hand and plays with it using his large hand "I told him I was going to think about it which made him happy" I nod, urging him to go on "After what you told me, tonight might be the night that I accept his offer" I smile widely

"I'm proud of you" I give him a hug which he happily accepts "All thanks to you" Xander whispered to me "To me? I didn't do anything" I said, pulling away to look at him "That's what you think. You're not aware but you made a huge impact on my life, Lauren" He said, looking at me straight in the eye "You motivate me to become better without even doing anything"

"You don't even have to say or do anything, Lauren Elizabeth. Just stay with me and I promise, I'll be the best that I can be for you" I was speechless, so I answered with a simple nod.

I wanted to tell him the truth

I wanted to tell him that I love him

but I couldn't say the words

He places a soft kiss on my lips that made me melt. We pull away from each other and he grabs something from inside his pocket.

He hands me a key

"Here's a key to my house, if you feel lonely, bored or if you miss me-" He winks "-just come over whenever you want" I look at the key "Are you sure? I don't want to just barg-"

"Yes, I'm sure" He cuts me off "Keep it and I mean it, you can go inside whenever you want" I hesitantly accept the key with a nod "Okay" I put the key inside my pocket

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked with a small smile. He nods "Tomorrow, seven pm, wear something nice" I look at him surprised "I have work until six tomorrow, atleast give me more time to prepare" He thinks for a moment "Okay, seven thirty" I roll my eyes "Okay fine"

"I'll walk to the front door" He said, grabbing the paper bags. We both got out of the car and walks me to the front door like he said. I look at him and smiled "Thank you for everything" I said all of a sudden, surprising him "You're honestly the best and I couldn't ask for more" I said sincerely, looking deeply in his eyes "You're mom must be so proud of you right now. She must be in heaven right now telling everyone that she raised a gentlemen" Xander's expression changed. For once, I saw this side of him,

The broken boy that misses his mom so much

"You think so?" He whispered. I nod and hugged him tightly "I know so" I answered reassuringly "If I were her, I would be proud" He wraps his strong arms around me and buries his face in my hair

"Thank you, Lauren"


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