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His name was probably Chen Yong.

The reason why it was "probably" was because Wu Yun himself didn't know the specifics.

Although he had taught Wu Yun a lot and they lived together for many years, people in such places almost never mention the past.

That man needed to change his identity a lot because he was a bounty hunter.

The name Chen Yong was used by him when he took over the next task.

Wu Yun heard it once, so it was used as that man's name.

This "LOVE" was a "gift" left by Chen Yong when he suddenly disappeared three years ago.

Chen Yong gave him various gifts, regardless of time, place, and there was no rule. Sometimes books, sometimes food, sometimes guns, sometimes ammunition. In term of humans, this mixed-race teenager was not the first one. Wu Yun remembered that he had seen a girl many times, and the girl was given to him as a "gift" a few days later.

"Don't you like her? I'll give it to you if you like. Chen Yong said so, pushing the girl up.

The girl's skin was soft and he forgot what she looked like.

"Her hair looks very similar to yours."

It was a dazzling golden.[1]

It looked quite warm.

Wu Yun spoke frankly about his feelings. Then the girl was caught by Chen Yong from his bed, and was replaced by Wu Yun who was overwhelmed by Chen Yong[2].

He was crushed to death.

He could clearly hear Chen Yong's breathing and heartbeat.

"Are you going to do something like that with me?" Wu Yun remembered asking.

"If you hate it, you can push me away. I can't beat you."

"No disgust."

He didn't like it either.

However, the latter half he didn't say, because Chen Yong directly kissed him.

Then he won't say it.

What happened after that made sense.

It was hot that summer.

It was hot that day, too.

Wu Yun did not remember because the outside temperature was too high or because Chen Yong's body temperature was too hot, or perhaps because it was his first time directly enacting on his physiological desire, and the immense stimulation caused him to forget.

Then their relationship was added to the simple "teaching and being taught".

When Chen Yong picked up Wu Yun, he said that he did not support useless people, so after learning to survive, Wu Yun must help him do things to pay his debts.

When Wu Yun helped kill 95 people, Chen Yong disappeared, leaving only one copy of "LOVE".

To tell you the truth, Wun Yun didn't understand the book.

Almost all of the poems were written in prose and were very illusory.

Other books can be understood by Wu Yun. Whether it was about language or teaching, Wu Yun could read them once and remember. Only such a plain text, which did not teach him anything or explain anything, did he not understand.

After reading it for three years, he still couldn't understand what "love" was.

The more Wu Yun didn't understand it, the more he wanted to understand it.

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