Chapter 11 I blow up....again

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"Where do you think you were young lady?" I hear as soon as I enter my room.
I look up, and my parents gasp.
Lucas is the first one to break the silence.

"Your hair is pwetty" he says. I shoot him a small smile but suddenly realise that it wasn't the right time.
My parents usher him out of the room.

"What have you done with your hair??" My mom asks in a deadly calm voice.
I tried to keep my expression neutral. "I cut it"
"We can see that...." my dad says sternly.
I don't meet their eyes.
"I pretty sure it's because of that girl Sarah. Did she make you do this? You were never like this before!" my mom says raising her voice with each word.

I flinch. "No! It was my choice!"
"What is WRONG with you?" My Dad yells. I'd never seen him so angry. My eyes widen, I'm tempted to cower under his gaze...
But I don't. I'm done being someone who isn't me.

"You never let me do what I want! You always want me to be your perfect little princess! But What about me huh? Ever thought about what I wanna do? How I wanna look? NO!" I scream at them not before one stubborn tear falls down.
I can't believe this is the second time this is happening... I really don't want to yell at my parents but sometimes they just need to understand how to move on from all these assumptions they lay on me!

They stand there with their mouths wide open. I'm pretty sure my eyes are rimmed with red, so unable to stand it anymore I tell them to go out and they do, which is surprising, but perhaps they're still dazed by my outburst.

I lock the door and hear mom say "this discussion is still not over Ava!" I mentally scoff. It's more than over for me.
I open the window and flop down on the bed. I wear some headphones turn on some music. I close my eyes and let the music flow through my body
( entire song - might not like me~ by Brynn Elliot)

🎶 Well if you don't like girls that are stronger than you
And if you don't like girls that are faster than you
And if you don't like girls that are smarter than you
Well then you might not like me, you might not like me 🎶

I think about how badly I want to say these word to Mark. I open my eyes and scroll through my phone and find that Cody had texted me.

I'm below your window, can I come up?? ~c

I rush towards the window and see that he is indeed standing beneath it. I expect him to  be smiling and waving at me like always but instead, the only emotion I can register on his face is shock.
I give him a confused expression but he still seems in deep thought. I whisper yell his name and motion for him to climb up.
Thankfully he snaps out of whatever daze he was in and starts climbing up.

As soon as he enters I ask him "What's wrong?"
"You can sing" he states. I freeze. He heard me singing. I didn't realize I was singing myself...
"What makes you think that?" I ask with my hands crossed in front of me.
"Ava, I literally just heard you singing." He says in a duh tone.
"That wasn't me" I say trying to cough up some lie. Which is weird cause I don't even know why I'm trying to hide it from him.
""Why are you trying to lie..? You have a great voice!" He says trying to understand my deal behind all this.
I sigh defeatedly. "I don't know, okay? I've never sung in front of anyone and..and I intend to keep it like that" I say giving him a pointed look.
"But you have talent which needs to be recognized!!" he says.
I raise my eyebrows skeptically. I try to figure out why he's making such a big deal out of nothing. I can't be that good, can I?
"I'm not that good" I mumble underneath my breath, but apparently, he hears me.
"Not that good!? Ava you're voice is amazing! I'm telling you!" He says trying to convince me.
"Whatever, let's just forget about this.............for now." I add seeing the look he gives me.

We research some of Shakespeare's plays to enact for our project.
"I know how to play the guitar" he suddenly says
"What?" I ask confused
"I know how to play the guitar" he repeats.
I'm confused by the sudden change of topic but say anyways, "That's amazing Cody..."

"What if I say that I have an idea which will make people listen to you sing without knowing who you are." He starts. I'm about to object but he continues, "before you object" I roll my eyes "- I know you want to make a change in the world and want people to understand issues on equality etcetra etcetra, so why not do it through singing?"

That catches my attention, "Go on"

He smirks and explains his plan. I smile and raise my eyebrows. This might be one of the most insane but intriguing plans he's come up with but....

Hope you enjoyed!!
Shout out to @dinosaur_boy who voted on all the chapters till now! Thank you so much : )

*over exerts brain by thinking too much and drinks a smoothie to further develop brain freeze*

Stay tuned!

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