Chapter 4 I join cheerleading

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Today is Sunday. Which means tomorrow I have soccer tryouts. I knew I was going to tryout for the soccer team so I had already filled my form. But, the thing is, nobody apart from me,Cody, Sarah and Kate knew about it.

Since the tryouts are tomorrow after school it meant I was going to be coming home late, which also meant, I'd needed to ask someone to pick me up.

This lead to the question how I'm going to that without my parents knowing I was trying out for soccer.
Well, this is where our "genius" plan comes in.

They wanted me to join cheerleading, right? Well, that's exactly what I'm going to do. Maybe not exactly but...
I hear mom calling me for lunch. This is the perfect time.

I make my way to the dining table and sit down. Everybody else had already sat down.
"I'm trying out for the cheerleading team" I blurt out. Everyone looks shocked including Lucas who had heard our parent's discussion about this.
"That's amazing dear!" Das says who still looked like he was trying to get out of his shock. My mom on the other hand was like literally jumping up and down with excitement.

"Oh how nice Ava! I am so glad you decided to listen to us! We'll need to go to the mall right away! I'll buy you some nice Pom pom's, a nice frilly dress, ribbons..." she starts going on and on about what she would buy for me.

"Mom! calm down!" I say. She looks at me with her eyes full of happiness. Wow, why can't she ever be this happy when I tell her about soccer.. "but I have one condition" I continue, "You'll have to buy me at least one pair of shorts."
My parents look at each other as if communicating with their eyes.

"Okay.....but why do you want shorts?" Dad asks.
" Umm..because they're comfortable?" It wasn't meant to sound like a question, but.. oh well.
"Oh and since the tryouts are tomorrow after school, I'm going to need one of you to pick me up at 5." I say.
Looks like my plan is working...-

"Sure. Can we come to watch the cheerleading tryouts?" Mom asks.

I spoke waaayy too soon didn't I?

I try coming up with an excuse. "Ummm, no, sorry, you can't come..." I start. "Why?" they ask simultaneously looking at me with scrunched eyebrows.. "um because parents aren't allowed to come!" Trying to make my story believable. They look skeptical but thankfully let it go.

We finish our lunch and I go to my room. I text Cody, Kate, and Sarah.

First step of "mission" complete :P ~A
Great! xD~K
Thankfully! :)) ~S
Nice! Hopefully they won't find out! ~C

I hear mom telling me to get ready to go to the mall. Oh, I forgot about that. Did I mention I'm not particularly a huge fan of shopping unlike Kate, who drags me to every store we see.
I wear my dungrees and put my hair up in a ponytail. I wonder if they'd let me cut my hair like Sarah. I doubt it...

Me and mom reach the mall and she drags me into what seems like every shop in sight. I put up with it because one, I knew she wouldn't listen to me, and two, I would finally be getting some shorts.

God knows how I convince her to buy some 'not so expensive stuff' for cheerleading. I mean, I won't ACTUALLY be using them..
When we buy all the stuff she deemed necessary for cheerleading, we finally make our way to buy some shorts.

"There isn't any chance I'll be able to buy two, is there?" I ask hopefully.
"I don't understand why you want shorts when you have so many skirts at home!" She counters.
"That's exactly why" I mutter under my breath.

When I finally find a shorts worthy of playing soccer in and wearing at home we go to the counter and buy it. I even picked the color blue to annoy my parents a bit. Yes, I've always had this flair of rebelliousness.

We go home and my mom shows my father all the stuff we had bought. He does give me a disapproving glance looking at my choice of shorts but doesn't comment. I smile victoriously when he isn't looking..

Lucas suddenly grabs the Pom pom's looking at it's colorful ribbons.
"Lucas! Don't play with those!" My mother scolds him, taking it from his hands.
He starts crying. "But-but I want to pl-play with them!".

"Stop crying like a girl Lucas" Dad chides him.
"Hey! I'm a girl, I don't cry often!" I say indignantly.
Dad glares at me as if it was ME who was telling Lucas the wrong thing. How ironic.
"Thank you for the shorts" I say huffing, and go to my room.

One day I'm going to change this. Mark my words.

So finally the new chapter! Let's see how her tryouts go shall we.

Let me know what ya guys think..
*grabs Pom poms and shakes them with my hair in a messy bun and looking like an idiot*

Stay tuned!

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