Chapter 15 Pinkness overload

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*Note-cover image not mine.

I'm 4 years old, well technically I'm still 3 but my birthday is tomorrow so I think it's safe to say 4.  Most people I meet say I'm smart for my age but I don't like to brag about that.
There is one thing that frustrates me though, it's that my entire room is pink, and I hate pink!

Tomorrow also happens to be the last day of summer vacations, meaning I'll have to go to school ...
For my birthday my parents have planned a great birthday party in our back yard. The theme for my party is my little ponies so I'm still pretty excited for it. I would have been happy with any kind of birthday to be honest.

Jack and Zia are my best friends. I've already invited them to my party tomorrow.

Currently, Jack and I are at Zia's house for a play date. We play till mom comes to get me, "Bye Zia! See you soon!", I call.
"Bye!"she calls back.

I can't wait for tomorrow!

——————Just a line break ———————

The next day

"Happy Birthday Ava!!" I hear one of my friends say which was probably the 100th time that day, but, I didn't mind one little bit. Everything was going absolutely amazing!

I play loads of games, eat lots of pink cake (though I wanted it to be green..), and get loads of presents. I open all my presents And get various types of dresses, barbie's and tiara's.
Guess nobody bought me hot wheels then...

The party finally ends at about 7 and everyone goes home.

When we clean everything up, and my parents and I play my tiara game where we keep adding crystals to our rings, bracelet and tiara whenever we get one answer right. We finish playing and my parents come to tuck me to sleep.

I suddenly remember Jake's birthday party where he had gotten his favorite hot wheels car and a Superman cape.

"Mom, Dad? why did Jake get a hot wheels car but not me..?"I ask. They turn around.
  "It's because you are a girl" they say without elaborating. And that was the end of that discussion.

Hey guys! hoped you liked this new part! I know you probably won't read this but um.. yeah, Bye

Question- If you are a girl, have you ever gotten a so called 'boy game' for your birthday? Or if you are a boy, have you ever gotten a 'girl game'?

Let me know in the comments

*wears tiara, waves wand and says 'I'm a magical fairy princess'*

Stay tuned!

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