Chapter 7 New friend, New enemy

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"The eleven players are.....Justin, Collin, Jason, Mark, Skyler, Noah, Max, George, Fred, Leo and ......Ava." My eyes widen. I can't believe I made the team.

"You all are dispersed. You will get the practice schedule at the office so don't forget to drop by tomorrow morning......Ava, a word please.." He calls.
"Yes coach?" I ask hesitantly.
"I chose you because I see potential, even though you didn't give the entire tryouts. I hope I won't regret my choice.." he says.
  "Of course coach, thank you." I reply. He shoots me a meaningful look and walks away.

I limp over to Kate and Sarah and engulf them in a hug.
"So... I'm guessing you made the team, huh?" Kate asks slyly.
Sarah hits her "Way to ruin the moment! Of course she did!!"she says.
I grin. "Thanks for being supportive guys" I say genuinely. "It means a lot"
Sarah bumps my shoulder. "Of course, that's what friends are for, aren't they?" She says with a smile.
"Okay enough of that gushy stuff" Kate says wrinkling her nose. I smile and shake my head fondly.
"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you guys. Do either of you have Josh or Parvati's number? We haven't had much progress on the project due this week so we might need to meet up. Me, being the forgetful person I am, forgot to ask for their number.." I ask sheepishly.

"Yeah, here you go. But seriously, you're paired with Josh?!" Sarah asks with her nose scrunched up in distaste.. "Why, what's the matter with him?" I ask.
"Not to seem judgmental or anything but I've known him since kindergarten and he hasn't changed a bit, well, maybe gotten even more... you know what, you'll find out. Just keep your cool around him, okay ?".
"Okay..." I say confusedly..

I limp to the changing room to change into the skirt mom got me for cheerleading. Just as I come out I see our car enter the school gate.
"Thanks a lot guys!" I say.
"Like we said Ava, No problemo! Take care of your ankle!"
I laugh and nod.
"Bye guys see you tomorrow" I call.
"Yeah your cheerleading skills were awesome by the way!" Kate calls back throwing an almost too subtle to notice wink. That's when I realize mom is standing behind me..

"So..... How were tryouts!!" Mom exclaims.
"I got selected!!" I reply "for soccer" I mutter under my breath, but mom was to excited too notice.
"That's awesome Ava! I knew you could do it! The only thing left is for you to now become head cheerleader (is that a thing? Idk)" she says. 'Yeah, that would be great' I think bitterly. "So...when do you have practice" she asks.
" I'll find out tomorrow" I say looking out the window. She'll never understand.
When we reach home, I tell her about my ankle and she starts fussing over it and acting as if I were the most fragile doll in the world. I tell her it's no big deal and apply some ice.
She still keeps looking at me skeptically though, as if expecting me to burst into tears. I don't, burst into tears that is, incase you were wondering..


I call Parvati to ask her if she's free today. She replies in affirmative and even offers to do the project at her home. "Great! Now I'll just ask Josh" I say to her.
"Okay, but... just so you know, my 15 year old brother will be here..." she says.
"That's no problem" I reply "and thanks, I'll let you know about Josh, Bye"
We end the call and I inform Josh who didn't seem too enthusiastic over the idea of meeting up but doesn't comment.
I gather some supplies and ask mom to drop me off at her house.

I knock. Her mother opens the door wearing a traditional sari. "Hello dear, please come in" I enter. I see Parvati's brother playing COD on the couch.

"Parvati! तुम्हारी दोस्त आई है!" I hear her calling. Parvati enters from what I think must be her room. "Hi Ava!" She says. "Hi!" I reply with a smile, "I told Josh to come here, hopefully, he will. I'm not sure though, when I asked him to come, he just gave me a vague answer..."
"That's alright, should we begin till then?" She asks.
"Sure." I reply.
We decide on 'The Book Thief' by Markus Zusak.

At around 6:30, Josh finally enters. "Glad you decided to come Josh" Parvati says his name with distaste. I'm guessing those two have some bad history. First Sarah, now Parvati. Something. is definitely off about this guy. Josh just smirks and sits down.
"So...What are you guys doing? Josh asks.
"Well, if you had come earlier you would have known" Parvati says smugly.
"Okay guys please let's just lay down our differences for a while and work on the project.." I say looking between the two of them.

"Whatever you say boss" He say nonchalantly.
"Just shut up and do the project Josh!" I say warningly.
"Nice, Who knew girls like you could be so hostile" he says his smirk growing.
"I'll show you what girls can do you-" I say getting up to punch him.

"Woah woah woah there!!" I feel someone holding me back. I turn around and see a pair of dark brown eyes and brown hair..
"Wha.." I say. So much for keeping my cool.
"Calm down guys!" He says. I jerk away my hands. "I really wanted to punch him" I mutter under my breath.

Apparently her brother hears me. Because he looks at me with humor in his eyes.
"Who are you?" Josh asks. I scoff, as if he didn't notice him playing COD on the couch.
"I'm Pranav, Parvati's older brother" he replies giving emphasis on older. "So you guys better behave, and no violence" he says giving me a pointed look though I could detect a hint of a smile. I roll my eyes.

At around seven we complete the project and I get ready to leave somehow still in one piece. I call my mom and ask her to pick me up.
Pranav and I play COD for some time. My mom arrives and I wave a good bye to everyone.

"Come again soon Ava, you're really good competion. Hardly anyone comes even close to beating me" Pranav says with a smile. I laugh " Oh, don't worry, I'll be coming here just to beat you".
I thank Parvati's mother and take a seat in the car.

On reaching home I go to my room and started listening to some music. I softly started singing along with my favourite song. I've always loved singing, but no one knows that, not that I want that to change.....

Today was the best day ever, though I sprained my ankle, lied to mom and almost punched someone and-. Okay scratch that it wasn't one of the best days, but I got in the team! What more could I ask for?
But... little did I know, something was about change my life.

So guys, the seventh chapter is out! Don't forget to vote and comment.
*tries giving you the puppy eyes but ends up scaring you away*

Stay tuned!

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