Chapter 26 Speechless

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I pace around my room wondering what I'd even say to him. Hey Cody, we've been friends for so long but I think I like you.
That is not happening.
I look at the time, it's 3:45 already and I still have no idea what to say. I curse my spontaneity. I really need to think before I say stuff. I keep walking and plop down on the bed. I hear the doorbell. Oh no no no, please don't let it be him, please don't let it be him...

"Oh hi Cody, Ava's in her room" I hear my mom say.
I stand up suddenly and try to set my hair. Wait, since when do I care about my hair? I try to calm my inner battle. I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say! I hear his footsteps on the stairs. No no no no what am I going to do?!
He knocks on the door, I take a deep breath.
"Come in" I say hoping my voice isn't as shaky as it feels.
"Hey Ava!" Cody says and plops down on my bed. I calm my nerves and think of what I'd say to him in normal circumstances. Oh right, I'd roll my eyes.
I roll my eyes. "That's my bed you know."
"Oh is it? Didn't notice" he replied giving a little jump.
I scoff, "sure you didn't."
He scoots over and pats next to him. My heartbeat accelerates. But I lay down next to him casually like we always do.
"So, what's up? Why'd you call me early?" He asks.
I bite my lip. I can't, I just can't. I'll just talk about something else. Right.

"Nothing much, I just wanted to.......discuss something for! Yeah, that's why." I say smiling a bit too wide.
He looks at me curiously. Before he can ask questions I start talking. "So, I'm thinking of doing face reveal..." I say hesitantly.
His eyebrows shoot up. "You do know that's a risky move right? The entire school will know who you are....and your parents as well. Couple people from our school are against the 'mystery girl'. They could give you hard time..."
"But what if loads of people being curious, watch the video, it could cause more people to view as well, also people will relate more because they won't have to be staring at an almost blank screen....I just-.." I sigh, "want more people to change".
Cody has this weird expression on his face again.
"What's wrong?" I ask him.
He scratches his neck, "oh it's nothing....and well, if you think that'll help, you should go for it. Just tell Sarah and Kate first."
I nod, "yeah of course".

"Now are you going to tell me the real reason you called me early? Don't lie Ava, I know you enough to know when you're lying."

I simply stare at him, speechless. I was pretty sure I had gotten away with it, and now he's got me stuck there again.
I open my mouth to say something but no voice comes out. I must look like a gaping fish. Awesome.
"Spit it out Ava" he says scrunching his eyebrows. I don't look him in the eye.
"I think I like you" I whisper underneath my breath.
"Huh?" He asks in cute way.
I sit crisscross apple sauce facing towards him with my eyes pointing downwards. I clear my throat.

"I think I like you Cody....." I say barely above a whisper, still not daring to look up.
All I hear back is silence. I'm about to apologize. "I-.."
I feel the bed shifting and suddenly his lips are on mine. His hands cup my cheeks. A small sweet kiss, in other words exactly how a first kiss should be. I kiss him back.
When we pull apart all I can do is stare at his swirling green eyes.

"You won't even believe how long I've been wanting to do that. Also, have i ever told you, you look beautiful?" He says, a grin breaking out on his face. I just hug him tightly an shake my head slightly. The weight I didn't know I was carrying lifts off of my shoulders.
"More than a year to be honest" he says, holding me close.
"Me, being the oblivious idiot I am, just figured it out today..and for the record, you're cute too" I say giving a watery laugh.
"Wait so this is real? It's actually happening?" He asks pulling away practically beaming at the compliment.
"I guess so," I say ruffling his hair.

We sit there for a couple awkward moments.
"So what now?" He asks.
"Well, I know we haven't been on any dates yet, but since we've both liked each other for a long time, though I wasn't even aware.......would you Cody Carson do me the honor of becoming my boyfriend?" I ask hopefully and a bit teasingly.
He pretends to think. I smack his arm. "Ow!" He says laughing.
I keep a neutral expression. "Okay! Okay! Yes I'd love to Ava Granger."
I smile. I lay back down on the bed and play with his fingers.
"Sarah and Kate are gonna be here any moment you know." Cody says lying down with me.
"Yup" I say popping the p. And, as if on cue, the doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" I call out to mom.
"I'll be right back" I say to Cody.
He gives a fake pout. I just roll my eyes and shake my head. "Dork" I mutter.
"But I'm your dork" He says. I laugh at his cheesiness.
I hurry downstairs and open the door. "Hey guys!" I say.
"Hey!" They say and kick off their shoes. I roll my eyes, such thoughtful friends I've got.

We go up to my room and find Cody there.
"You're early for the first time Cody. This day needs to be documented" Kate says.
Sarah nods with fake enthusiasm. "I know right!" She says.
I smile fondly at them all.
"What's up with you Ava? You simply look like the definition of happiness."
That obvious huh... I wave them off, "nothing" I say. I steal a glance at Cody. He's smirking. That s- ahem.
"So I have some important news to tell you guys...." I say a bit scared of their reaction.
They take sit on the carpet and nod for me to go on.

I take a deep breath trying to figure out a way to not just dump it on them. But then, you know what? They're going to find out sooner or later, might as well just rip off the bandaid. I look them both dead in the eye.

"So um..............I am the mystery girl"

Please give me cure for procrastinating. That's really all I'm asking for. Please! Just-
Yea, bye.

P.S.- what would be the ship name for Cody and Ava? Cova...? Suggest plz——>

P.P.S- thank you SkyStar_Reader for your support with the story<3

*faints from exhaustion cause of the so many different emotions in the chapter*
Stay tuneeed!

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