He shakes his head and slowly starts to get up. He squeezes his eyes shut and I see his jaw clenched. "Stop" I say as I get up. I limp over to him and slowly push him down. "I like it when you're weak" I say as I kiss the edge of his lips. He grunts at my actions. I see Ace grab the necklace he gave me as he looks over it. "Is that a bullet mark?" he asks as he looks at me.

I nod and grab his hand. "It saved my life" I say as I lean my head down and kiss him on the knuckles. I walk back over to my bed and sit in it.

"Why were you trying to get up?" I ask. "To lay next to you" he says. I stare at him for a second before getting up and walking over to him. "May I?" I ask as I look at the spot behind him. He hums in response and points to the space in front of him. "You expect me to fit in that" I say as I eye the spot. He nods.

I roll my eyes as I lay down in front of him. "Face me" he says. I whine and turn around so we're facing each other. "Much better" he mumbles as he places a kiss on lips. "Go to sleep." I say as I lightly push his face off me.

"No," he says as he kisses me. "I haven't seen you in forever" he says as he pulls away. "Almost three week" I say. "Exactly too long" he says as he slowly moves his hand on my back and pushes me into him. Butterflies fill my stomach at his words. We stare at each other until I finally close my eyes.

"Goodnight" I say as I slowly but carefully rest my head into his chest. "Goodnight love" he says.

I woke up the next morning feeling cold hands on me. They're not Ace's. I slowly open my eyes and peek over Ace's shoulder. There on the other side of him was Diego. He laid there sound asleep as his arm was wrapped around Ace.

I slowly get up and walk over towards my phone. Thank goodness Ace wasn't snuggling me or I definitely would have woken him up.

I take a few photos of the two of them before turning the camera around towards me. I turn around so they are in the background of the photo. I took two photos, one of me smiling and one of me making a funny face.

Now for the best photo. I slowly crawl back into the bed. I lay on my side facing Ace and extended my arm out as far as I could and snapped a couple photos. Perfect.

I set my phone down and get up.

I limp out of the hospital and to a clothes store down the street.

"Hello" I say as I walk in. The lady at the cashier looks at me weirdly before saying hello back. I look around the store and pick out a pair of some dri fit shorts and a white shirt to go with it.

"Is this all" the cashier asks as she rings up my last item. I look over at the candy selection and pick out three different types along with some gum. "$38.96" she says. I quickly grab two twenties from the back of my phone and hand them to her.

"Have a nice day" I say as I grab my things and leave the store. The lady doesn't respond, instead she sits in a chair and starts spinning in it. Rude.

I enter the hospital again and head straight towards the bathroom.

I throw on my new clothes and go back to the room. When I enter I see Diego running around like a maniac while Ace stumbled towards him. "Ace, get your ass back in bed." I scold as I point to his bed. I see him glare at me as he slowly makes his way back to his bed.

"So, want to see the pictures" I say excitedly as I smile at both of them. They both look at me confused. I pull out my phone and pull up the photos of them. "You guys look like big babies." I say as I sit at the end of Ace's hospital bed.

Diego walks over and looks at my screen. Once the both of them are looking at the screen I start to show them the photos. When I'm done showing them the photos I look back at them. Ace looked angry while Diego gave him a sheepish smile.

You guys are acting like kids, which is only proving my point" I say as I burst out laughing. I see Ace start moving towards Diego. I quickly grab Ace and he hisses in pain. "We're both dead" I say as I look over at Diego. He nods and quickly runs to the wall closest to his bed. "Sorry" I say as I pat Ace's head like he's a dog.

"Stop" he says as he swats my hand away.

"I'm hungry," Diego says out of nowhere. "Then go get us some food." Ace says.

Diego looks down at his hospital gown. "Not in this" he says as he crosses his arms. "I got candy" I say as I point to the plastic bag that is laid down next to the door.

Diego quickly runs for the bag and pulls out the twizzlers I got. "Let's go," he says excitedly as
he opens the package. He quickly shoves a strip in his mouth. "Ace catch" he yells as he throws a twizzler in the air. I see Ace open his mouth and move his head. Then in the blink of an eye I see the red twizzler in his mouth.

He shoves the rest of it in his mouth. "You guys are weird" I say as I get up and grab my own strip. I bite into it and tear a piece off of the strip. "Brutal" Diego says as he backs up from me. I roll my eyes and head back to Ace's bed. Once I sit on his bed I feel his hands wrap around my waist.

I lean my back until the back of my head is on his chest. I look up and see his chin. I smile as I quickly poke it. Ace's head immediately drops and he makes eye contact with me. "What was that for?" he asks. I don't respond and close my eyes.

I'm pretty sure you guys deserve a happy chapter after all I have put you threw😅

Did you guys think she died? I'm curious.

Hopefully this wasn't cringy but if it is the I am sorry.

Also I'm wondering what did you guys think of this one. Good, eh, bad? Tell me PLEASE.!!!.!.!.!.

*Not Edited*

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