54. Episodes

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3 weeks later

Anaya was outside sitting on the porch while she watched Wanda do her gardening. During the 3 weeks they have been out in the mountains Anaya has been getting that familiar sensation of her old home. She spends more time outside with Wanda, Pietro goes out there once a week to give them supplies. So Anaya spends her once a day time with Pietro. Now with wanda the young girl is like her shadow, everything that Anaya has been through she's been more scared. She even has episodes and started to have panic attacks from all the trauma.

After about a couple of minutes of Anaya sitting on the porches steps she got up and walked down, when her bare feet touched the grass she let out a little shiver. She then smiled a little before she wandered off over to the lake that was next to the cabin. Wanda was tending to her garden still picking fruit and vegetables, she causality watched Anaya just to make sure shes ok.

When Anaya reached the lake she sat down and looked at the water, when she seen her reflection she tilted her head. When she was looking at herself she watched as the water washed up a bit and how her reflection moved. She then started to daydream a bit about how her life has been, bringing back old memories, while she kept looking at her reflection. She then heard a small little voice.

"Do you blame yourself?" A somewhat muffled voice deep voice spoke. Anaya snapped out of her trance and looked around "w-what..? W-who's there?.." Anaya spoke out softly. "Well it's quite common in this situation for a person to feel a type of...guilt." The voice said but a bit louder. Anaya looked around again the looked down at her reflection in the water, she then seen herself but in the controlled stated from Shield. "W-what situation...?" Anaya asked as she felt a lump in her throat. "The accident" the voice stated. Anaya felt her blood run cold as she looked around and saw herself alone outside, her memories then took her to all the bad things that happened in her life. It then stopped to where she was standing right behind Kylar.

She felt her emotions drop, she looked around and seen they where back at that base in Washington. She felt like she was physically there but she knew it was an episode, but this time she knew it was really bad. She took a deep breath before she took one step to her brother. "B-Bubba?.." Anaya called out. Kylar then turned around quickly, he looked decayed and grey with his wounds open still. Anaya's eyes widened as she seen her brothers dead body looking right at her. "Why didn't you save me? You could have save us all." Kylar stated. Right after he spoke Anaya's mothers dead body walked up behind Kylar and placed a hand over him. "You could have saved us. But you didn't." Her mother said. Anaya felt her eyes burning before she took a step back and looked at them. "I-I-..I tried..I tried..I'm sorry..I-I'm sorry..." Anaya said as she then felt herself trip and start falling. Anaya screamed out as she felt herself falling into an endless void.

"You could have saved them. Your not that strong. Your weak. Your alone." The voice stated as it then fully faded away. Anaya kept on screaming and falling, when she felt herself hit the ground hard she jerked herself awake from her episode. She was breathing harshly and trembling, she had tears rolling down her cheeks. She felt a pair of hands around her and her laying against someone's chest. She melted with their touch and just cried she hated having episodes, it would always bring up bad memories and her trauma.

Wanda was holding Anaya close to her, she noticed Anaya starting to have her episode when she heard Anaya speak out. She immediately dropped whatever she was doing and ran over to comfort her and keep her safe, she hated seen Anaya like this. She would just be there for her and help her and comfort her child. She just wanted to keep her safe and happy but after all she's been through she felt like she wasn't doing a good job of being their first her.

"Shhh..Anaya it's ok..mommys here..mommas here..shhh..I got you..your safe.." Wanda cooed to her as she rocked Anaya and rubbed her back. Anaya just cried and hugged her, the young girl felt herself just start to break more. She seen her dead mother and brother stand u front of her and tell her that she could have saved them, it really scarred her deep down. Anaya just clinged onto Wanda and slowly started to calm herself down. "Good..your ok now baby..your safe with momma.." Wanda cooed to her again before she kissed Anaya head. Anaya sniffled and laid her head against Wandas chest she then started to listen to Wandas heartbeat. Wanda just smiled sadly at Anaya, she knew whatever she seen in her episode really hurt her bad. The other episodes she usually got never left her like this, it would simply just make her go into a stage 1 panic attack. But this time it was more of like a stage 10 panic attack for Anaya.

Wanda sat there for a while holding Anaya close to her while rubbing her back. About a couple of minutes later Anaya spoke "momma..I seen Mama and Bubba..a-and those m-mean people.."she said in a raspy voice. Wanda looked down at her "you did..? Well those mean people won't come for you as long as I'm here.."Wanda stated as she caressed Anaya cheek. Anaya nodded and sniffled "y-you can look..I don't wanna talk about I-it.." Anaya said before she laid her head against Wandas chest again. "Ok..I'll look my munchkin.." Wanda said before she then went into Anaya's mind and seen what she seen in her episode.

When Wanda got out of her mind she just held Anaya close to her, she then kissed her head. "I'm sorry baby..I'm sorry you had to see that.." Wanda spoke out. Anaya felt herself tearing up again but blinked the tears away, she then did a little sigh. "W-why do bad things always h-happen.." Anaya spoke. Wanda got up with Anaya in her arms and just sighed "I'm not sure baby..but for now let's just bring in the food and cuddle ok?" Wanda said. Anaya did a little nod and looked around the landscape that she now calls home.

Time skip

When Anaya and Wanda brought in all the fruit and vegetables from the garden Anaya laid down on the couch and waited for Wanda. She felt exhausted from her crying she did earlier, she also knew that Wanda was going to either just read her book or just take a nap with Anaya after when she was done with the food. Anaya laid on her side facing the back of the couch with her back facing the room. She was mentally tired physically not so much since it was still mid day.

The young girl did a little sniffle before she closed her eyes, she had her eyes closed for a bit until she felt a gentle hand on her side. She did a little flinch but then turned and seen Wanda looking at her. "Hey Naya..mind if I join you baby?" Wanda asked as she looked at her daughter. Anaya sat up so she can let Wanda sit down, Wanda smiled at the young girl before she sat down next to her. Anaya simply scooted closer to Wanda and got in her lap and cuddled her. Wanda smiled while she put her arms around Anaya, she just cuddled Anaya close to her. Wanda soon got in a somewhat comfortable position with her laying down with Anaya on her.

The two where cuddling on the couch while listening to the wilderness outside, Wanda smiled a bit while she then scratched Anaya's buzz cut hair. Anaya felt so relaxed she slowly started to fall asleep, but the one thing that kept her up was her last episode. Wanda noticed Anaya keeping herself awake she then sighed and kissed her forehead. "Baby..you can sleep. I won't let your nightmares or episodes hurt you while I'm with you.." Wanda spoke in a soothing voice. Anaya looked up at her before she placed her head in the crook of Wandas neck "ok m-momma.." Anaya said in her low sleepy voice. Wanda smiled a bit before she started to hum softly. This is what made the young girl now start to go into her sleeping state.

Once Anaya finally fell asleep Wanda just cuddled her close to her and looked out the window. She didn't know what to do, she felt bad for her daughter. Her child was literally scared to be alone without her knowing where she was, and scared of slight little things. She noticed how last week when it started to thunderstorm Anaya just stayed next to Pietros side when he was there. Pietro of course didn't mind but Wanda noticed how she was scared. She just wanted her little brave girl back but only time will help with her fear and traumas. So Wanda soon sighed softly before she too fell asleep on the couch cuddling her daughter.

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