44. Hayward

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(A/n) lmfao the year- sorry- I'm honest going off of the timeline when they get everyone back at that is in 2023- huhhh🥺 also I'm gonna do something from Black Widow- just so you know I haven't seen it- so don't expect spoilers here! I just seen this certain part so I'm adding it here!

4 months later

October 31st 2020

Anaya was in her ghost costume, she was waiting for Nat to take her out to go trick or treating. "AUNTIE!!!" Anaya called out to her but heard nothing.  Anaya sighed as she took of the white sheet and walked around the compound, she did a little whistle that Nat taught her. She then heard Nat whistle back, Anaya smiled as she ran over to where she heard Nat. "Auntie!!" Anaya yelled out as she ran into the kitchen and looked at her. "Hey Lil Nugget! You ready??" Nat asked as she booped Anaya's nose. Anaya nodded excitedly, Nat smiled down at her "ok now come on let's go." Nat said as she started to walk towards the door. Anaya ran over to get her costume then ran back to the door where Nat is.

2 hours later

Nat held onto Anaya's hand as they walked down a street. Anaya looked down in her bucket and saw the candy "Auntie! I have a lot of candy!!" Anaya said with excitement in her voice. "Yeah Lil Nugget I can see that!" Nat said with a smile. "Ok you can go off to the house over ok Lil Nugget?" Nat said as she pointed to a house that had a lot of kids at. Anaya nodded and ran to the house, Nat smiled at her before he phone started to ring. Nat sighed and picked it up before she looked off at kids running and laughing that where walking the opposite direction.

Anaya smiled as she got to the house, she then felt a sharp pinch in the back of her neck. Her eyes widened and she looked up at a saw men that where dressed in suits. She then blacked out and dropped her bucket of candy. The men picked up Anaya and brought her to the car that was black with tinted windows, they put her in the back of the car and got in and drove off.

Once Nat saw the car drive off she looked over at the house Anaya was at. She didn't see the little ghost costume anywhere, she looked around frantically as she hanged up on Rocket. "ANAYA?! ANAYA?! WHERE DID YOU GO?! ANAYA!" Nat yelled out as she ran down the street and looked around for the little ghost. She seen a lot of kids in different costumes and surprisingly Anaya was the only ghost on that street. Nat ran up and down the street and saw no sight of Anaya anywhere she then called Steve.

"Hello?" Steve answered Nat. "STEVE I LOST ANAYA! I DONT KNOW WHERE SHE IS!" Nat yelled frantically over the phone as she looked around still for the girl. "Woah! Calm down! I'll be there to help! Just give me your location! Just keep looking for her! I'll be there to help!" Steve said over the phone then ended the call. Nat took a breath as she send Steve the location before she went out to look around again. When Steve met up with Nat they searched until the kids started to get low down to head back home. They kept searching for a couple more hours and found nothing, they then headed back to the compound to plan and find her.

At Shield
2 days later
November 2nd 2020

When Anaya woke up she was in an all white room, she was in the weird white shirt and pants. She looked around and saw the window she seen from her vision "h-hello?.." she called out as she then looked down at her clothes and seen she was wearing all white. She then seen a man come in the room "Hello Anaya. I'm Hayward. Your probably wondering why your here." He said as he looked down at Anaya. Anaya had a really bad feeling about this all she didn't like this 'Hayward' guy he seemed like trouble. "Well we seen that you came back from the snap. So we wanted to ask you a few questions. Plus Nat and Steve and the other Avengers they wanted me to take you." He said. Anaya knew he was being fishy but then when she heard that she didn't know what to think. Did Nat really take her out just as a distraction to get her taken by them?

Anaya shook that off and sighed she already lost everything, now Nat and Steve gave her up. She lost all her hope right then and there she knew they weren't going to go after her. "Ok..we'll if you want to know I used my powers to get back. That's all I know and what I did.." Anaya said in a sad tone before she looked up at the man. Hayward smiled in approval of the young girl "ok well that's all I wanted to know. Now we will let you be free." He said with a somewhat wicked grin. Anaya shrugged and got up and followed Hayward out of the room.

34 minutes later

Hayward gave Anaya her necklace and her shoes back to her. He then gave her new clothes to get out of the all white clothes. He knew Anaya wouldn't do anything, plus he knew right then and there that she wasn't gonna go back to Nat or Steve.

Once Anaya got everything she needed she looked at Hayward with a numb expression she then looked over at a guy in a suit waiting "where am I going..?" She asked as she then started to play with her necklace. "Oh we are going to take you to a orphanage up in Maine. Now since you told me a couple of minutes ago about how your powers down work anymore you are going to be living like a normal child now. Under the name Alex Jane Maxston." Hayward said.

Anaya forgot about how she lied to him about her powers, she did it so she wouldn't be experimented on or get sent off to a lab again. She just nodded a bit and looked over at the man "ok..Alex Jane Maxston..got it.." Anaya said as she then sighed. Hayward gave her a small smile "it's ok you'll be safe and love a normal life now. The Avengers wouldn't have sent you with me if they didn't want you to be happy." He said. Anaya held in her powers and shrugged them off "yeah..but they abandoned me..can I just go..I want to leave now.." Anaya said as she then looked at Hayward. Hayward nodded at the man in the suit then looked at Anaya "Yes. Now you may go now Alex." He said as he then left. The man in the suit walked out of the room with Anaya following behind him to go head to a car to leave.

4 hours later

Once Anaya was dropped off by the man in the suit, she settled in at the Orphanage in Maine. She was sad and angry at how Nat and Steve gave her up to that 'Hayward' guy. She then bit the inside of her cheek and decided to go ahead and live life like a normal kid for once, which that means she can't use her powers in front of anyone ever!

Anaya noticed how there was a lot of kids here since a lot of them had their parents gone due to the snap. She knew how that felt since her only family got dusted away. "Ok kids! Come on let's go! Play time!" One of the older women yelled out. The kids all ran outside and to go play, Anaya followed them and decided to go along with it even though she has never met a kid or seen kids her age beside Halloween which didn't really count to her.

Once Anaya ran outside with the other kids she noticed a lot of different aged kids. There where teens all grouped up by the tree, and she seen kids her age and a bit older playing on a tiny playground. Anaya smiled as she decided to go play with them, during this time she made friends with a boy her age with his sister that was 3 years older (8 years old). Her friends name was Jaylin and his sisters name was Haylee. She played with him and other kids, she finally felt like a normal kid when she played with the kids.

Time skip

It was nighttime, Anaya was shown to her room she will be staying in. She was bundled with Haylee which she was happy about. Once Anaya settled down in her bed she just looked over at the window and stared at it. Haylee noticed her as she was getting ready for bed "Alex? You alright?" She asked. Anaya shot her head over at her "uh yeah I'm fine. Just thinking.." she said before she played with her hands. "Oh. Is it about your family?" Haylee asked as she walked over to Anaya. Anaya sighed "yeah..kinda..they gave me up.. after my mama and uncles got dusted away..I lived with people I called family..but then they sent me away.." Anaya said as she let out a breath she was holding in. "Oh..well don't worry other kids here including me and Jaylin had our parents dusted away too..but now you have kids here and us to help you get through this. Also you might get adopted by a family that will actually take care of you!" Haylee said as she tried to brighten Anaya's spirit. Anaya nodded and sighed "yeah your right..we'll Im tired..good night Haylee.." Anaya said before turning on her side and tried to fall asleep. "Good night Alex." Haylee said as she got up and moved to her bed to go to sleep.

Anaya just stared at the wall and though about how she was now really alone again, she couldn't believe it again. She though Nat and Steve would take care or her. But she guessed wrong, now she has herself to live on her own. Anaya closed her eyes as a tear escape her eye and she finally fell asleep.

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