53. 1 week later

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When Anaya finally woke up again she was blinded by the hospital lights, she let her eyes get used to the lightings before she then heard the sound of the beeping from the machines. She then remembered everything that went down.


The young girl opened her eyes and she confused. One second she was in Visions arms and now she's on a couch, she grunted in pain when all of the sudden her wound in her stomach started to open up again. She tears up as she squeezed her eyes shut. She then heard footsteps coming down the stairs she quickly got up and darted towards the door. Once she got to the door and was about to run outside she felt a pair of arm grab her and pick her up. "NO! (LET ME GO! LET ME GO!!" LET ME GO! NO!.." Anaya yelled out in her raspy hurt voice. She tried to kick and thrash at who ever picked her up, she then felt a set of fingers go against her temple. She then calmed down as who even went into her mind, she then had all her memories unlocked and come back to her. She trembled and looked up at whoever grabbed her, she saw Vision with a sad smile on his face. Anaya's eyes widened as she teared up.

"P-papa.." Anaya said in a little whisper. She then looked over and saw Wanda with teary eyes looking at them. Anaya let the tears fall as she saw her mother "mama!.." Anaya called out to her in a shaky voice. Wanda smiled a bit at her and Vision put Anaya down, the young girl then ran over to Wanda. Wanda smiled and she grabbed Anaya and pulled her close to her. "Mama..m-mama.." Anaya said as she started to cry. Wanda sniffled and she kissed Anaya's head "Mommys here..I'm here..your safe my munchkin.." Wanda said soothingly as she kept her close. Anaya hugged her tightly as she felt the pain shoot up in her stomach and around her wrists and ankles. She then started to breath heavily and slowly started to black out again. "Your safe Baby..I got you.." Wanda said as Anaya blacked out again.

End of Flashback

Anaya had tears in her eyes as she looked around the empty hospital room and sniffled. "Mama..P-Papa.." Anaya called out quietly. She then started to sob, she felt so alone. Her uncle and other family thought she was dead, and her mother and father left her alone in a hospital.

After about 5 minutes Anaya heard the door open, she looked over and saw a doctor with Pietro. "U-uncle Pietro!.." Anaya called out as she let more tears fall. The doctor gave Anaya a small smile as Pietro ran over to her side and held her hand and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry Princesa...I'm here. Your safe now." Pietro stated as he calmed Anaya down. When Anaya calmed down the doctor came over to check up on her and see if she's doing ok. "She looks all good. She's ready to leave anytime now Mr. Maximoff. I'll give you the papers to sign her out. She does need to take it easy though." The doctor stated as she then left to go get the papers. Pietro sighed in relief as he then went back over to sit next to Anaya "you hear that. You can leave now. You can go back and see mama." Pietro said with a small smile. Anaya nodded and felt herself slowly start to drift asleep again.

Time skip

When Anaya woke up she was in a private jet with Pietro. She looked up and over at him "u-uncle p..?" She called out as she then slowly got up. Pietro got up from his seat and rushed over to Anaya and helped her "take it easy.." Pietro stated as he looked at Anaya. Anaya looked around as she then looked at Pietro "w-where are we going..?" Anaya asked as she trembled. Pietro sat next to her and put her head in his lap, he then started to rub his hand over Anaya's buzz cut hair. "We are going to your mama. She moved ok princesa. We are almost there we are about 15 minutes away." Pietro stated as he looked down at Anaya. Anaya let out a little sigh and looked up at him "ok uncle p.." Anaya then yawned again and she slowly started to fall back asleep. Pietro smiled down at her as he kept rubbing her head, he knew that she was exhausted from the amount of power and pain she went though, and also from the anesthesia.

15 minutes later

Anaya slowly started to wake up again, she felt herself her picked up by Pietro. She laid her head against Pietros shoulder as he started to walk off the jet. When Anaya looked around she saw aloud of mountains and trees, she then saw a big lake. She didn't know where they where but she felt safe out here she didn't know why though. Pietro then walked up to the small cabin, he then knocked on the door, Anaya did a little shiver as she kept her head laying against Pietro.

Once the door opened Pietro smiled at his twin sister, Wanda smiled at them before she let them inside. Anaya didn't see Wanda yet she was somewhat half asleep still, she then heard both their voices. "Hey Wanda. Got a special delivery." Pietro said as he patted Anaya's back. "I can see.. how is she?" Wanda asked. Anaya picked her head up and looked over at her. Anaya gave Wanda a small smile before she made grabby hands to her, Wanda smiled as she then grabbed her from Pietros grip. She held Anaya close to her and rocked her "my poor baby.." Wanda said as she then kissed her head. Pietro smiled at them "the doctor said she'll be ok. We just got to keep our eyes on her. And also we have to change her bandages every few hours around her wrists and ankles." Pietro stated as he walked over and sat down on the couch. Wanda nodded at him before she went over and sat down in the single chair holding Anaya. Anaya cuddled up against her and kept her head against Wanda, Anaya didn't want to leave her side. After everything that happened she was so traumatized, still even from the snap and after the snap. Just all her bad memories where there running on loop.

Wanda held Anaya close to her as she rubbed Anaya back. Wanda then slowly hummed a bit, she knew that Anaya was going through a lot even though she didn't want to read her mind she just knew from the way she acted. Anaya hand her head against Wandas chest, she then slowly started to feel safe again. The youngest Maximoff girl slowly then started to fall asleep again, but this time she was a going into a peaceful slumber. Wanda kept on humming to her while she rubbed her back, she didn't want to let go of her daughter. She still had nightmares of how when they all came back she wasn't there, and how she watched as her daughter fade away. She even had nightmares of watching her own brother die from snapping his fingers to save them all. And even watching her daughter die on that lab bed, all she felt was pain and emptiness after she watched her daughter die.

Pietro looked over at them and did a small smile before he got up from his seat and kissed both their heads. "I'll go make dinner. You two need this cuddle time anyway." Pietro whispered to Wanda before he walked over into the kitchen to cook up something. Wanda smiled at him before she kissed Anaya's cheek, she then smiled down at Anaya sleeping peacefully. She then slowly started to fall asleep herself, this time she knew that she will fall asleep without any nightmares. Because she had her daughter in her arms with her, who was safe and sound.

(A/N)- ok so I'll be only making this one book- I'm to lazy to make another book about them. So I'll just continue writing in this book about their life outside. Since it has now came to the end of the WandaVision mark 🤠

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