41. Wakanda

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When Anaya woke up she was asleep with her head in Wandas lap. She let out a yawn as she rubbed her eyes "m-momma..?" Anaya called out in a little raspy voice. "I'm here baby. We are almost to Wakanda munchkin. Did you sleep well?" Wanda asked as she then started to give Anaya little head scratches. Anaya smiled a bit "yeah momma..is Uncle Gup and Pietro here too?" She asked as she then let out a little yawn. "Yep they are both over there." Wanda said as she pointed Matteo and Pietro both sitting next to each other talking. Anaya looked over at them and back up at Wanda with an smile "oh ok momma" she said.

Sam walked over to them with a small backpack "Wanda I found a suit Tony made for Anaya- oh well hello little hero." Sam said as he put the bag next to Wanda. "Hi Uncle Sammy" Anaya said as she looked up at him. Sam smiled at her then looked at Wanda "Ok Wanda I'm pretty sure Anaya might need help putting this suit on. I know you want to keep her identity a secret still for the world." Sam said as he kept on talking to Wanda about what is going to happen. Wanda scratched Anaya's head as she continued to talk to Sam, Anaya on the other hand didn't really listen to them she was just daydreaming. Once Sam left to go pilot the jet still Wanda booped Anaya's nose "Ok munchkin let's go help you put this suit on ok?" Wanda stated as she helped Anaya up. Anaya smiled as she nodded "yeah!" She stood up and ran to the little bathroom in the jet. Wanda grabbed the bag and walked behind her to help her put her suit on.

When Wanda was done helping Anaya with her suit she smiled at her "Anaya you look awesome! My baby is growing up!" Wanda cooed at Anaya. Anaya's suit was somewhat of a one piece, her upper part of her suit was black with teal stitching. Her bottom part of her suit was all black but with teal splattered at the bottom of her feet. Anaya face was revealed but if she where to go out on the battlefield her suit would Mack a black and teal mask that covers her face. Anaya looked at her mom with a smile "momma! I'm only 5!" Anaya stated as she giggled. "I know baby. But still! You look really cool though. Come on let's go show your uncles." Wanda stated as she opened the door to the bathroom. Anaya smiled brightly as she made her mask go over her face, she then ran out of the bathroom.

"PHANTOM WARRIOR HAS ARRIVED!!" Anaya yelled out as she jumped in front of Matteo and Pietro. They both jumped a little to see their niece, they both then smiled at her. "Woahh!! You get an awesome suit! I'm jealous!" Pietro stated. "You look like a total badass guppy!!" Matteo blurted out as he smiled widely. "LANGUAGE!" Steve yelled out. Wanda walked over and slapped Matteo upside his head "No swearing Gup!" Wanda blurted out. Matteo hissed out in pain as he held his head "ok ok! I got it!!" Matteo rubbed his head. Anaya giggled as she then made her mask disappear "you guys are funny!" Anaya stated. Anaya looked over at Vision sitting just staring off into space, she smiled as she ran over to him "Poppa!! Look! I got a suit!!" She said smiling. Vision looked at Anaya with a smile "You look super cool Naya! Me and your Mother are proud of you." Vision stated as he hugged Anaya, Anaya hugged back. She decided to stay with Vision for the time being, she played little games here and there with him before the jet landed.

"Anaya darling where here." Vision said as he then got up and helped Anaya up. "Oh. Ok Poppa! Can we continue playing I spy later??" Anaya asked as she looked up at her father. "Yes. Yes we can. Now come on let's go." Vision stated as he saw everyone start to head out of the jet. Anaya ran over to Matteo, Wanda, and Pietro. She held Matteos hand as she and him both walked out of the jet behind everyone. When they walked out of the jet she seen a lot of people and the trees and buildings, she was in awe at it all. Matteo was the same but he paid more attention to the adults since he was going to help battle.

Anaya and Matteo where both dragged with Wanda and Vision inside while Pietro and everyone stayed outside to talk for a bit. Anaya held onto Matteos hand the whole way since she didn't know where they where in the world or why they where there. Matteo just kept hold of Anaya's hand as he followed Wanda and Vision into the lab where Shuri was.

Adopted by Wanda Maximoff  [On Hold]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora