24. Fixing up

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When Anaya and the others went to the small quinjet she stopped and noticed the stuff that her twin brought her. Anaya limped slowly over to the bag of clothes, she noticed the boys big jacket on the chair next to the bag. The girl then grabbed the bag and limped over to the bathroom and changed.

When Wanda and Pietro finally showed up they looked at the gurl who just closed the door. The oldest Maximoff walked over and put down the boys limp body on the chairs, Wanda walked over to the seats and sat down. She had things run through her mind, she closed her eyes and put her hands in her head. Pietro walked over to his sister and sat next to her, he put and arm around his sister and held her close. "(It's going be ok..Anaya needs us..she's been through so much already..she just lost her twin..)" Pietro said as he looked over at the bathroom where the girl was. Wanda sighed as she had tears fall "(I know..It's just..Kylar was always the one to cheer up Anaya..after they left they where both happy and opened up..now I don't even thing Anaya will open up again..)" Wanda said as she looked at her twin. Pietro sighed and looked down at the ground "(yeah..plus losing your twin is hard..it's rough really..)" he said as he then looked at Wanda. Wanda nodded with agreement, they both then heard the bathroom door open. Anaya limped out slowly with her brothers big jacket on her, she looked over at the two then she looked over at her brother. She teared up again but she then looked at the wide open quinjet, she noticed how Vision wasn't ready for takeoff yet so she ran out the door. "ANAYA!!" Wanda and Pietro both said as they both got up and ran/limp follow her. Vision sat in the cockpit and watched them leave, he sighed as he just waited.

Anaya ran into her old home and ran into their shared room. She looked around the room as tears fell from her eyes, she looked over at a picture with the two of them on their couch with their mother. She grabbed the photo and looked at it, she just let the tears fall from her cheeks as she looked at her brother and mother. "(N-no fair..y-you always c-cheat..b-bug..)" she said quietly as she then just sat on the bed and sobbed. Wanda and Pietro both ran into the cabin and both heard the faint sobs, Wanda looked at Peitro before they both walked over to the room. The older twins looked at the young girl sobbing on the bed looking down at a picture. Wanda was about to go in but Pietro stopped her, Pietro simply walked in and kneeled down in front of the girl. "Hey..we gotta go..we need to go everyone back at their base will be worried.." the man with silver hair stated. Anaya looked at the man with her bloodshot eyes as she then looked down at the photo "(o-ok..)" she spoke quietly before getting of the bed and limping over to the doorway. Her leg that had gotten shot was starting to drip a lot of blood, but she ignored it and just walked. Wanda watched the girl limp out as she then looked at her twin that was coming out of the room. "Like I said..she needs us the most..it's gonna take a lot of time..but we will help her.." the oldest Maximoff said. Wanda sighed and just nodded "yeah I know..let's go.." she said as she took ahold over Peitros hand and left the cabin.

When everyone got into the quinjet vision closed the hatch and they took off. Wanda and Pietro sat next to each other and slowly started to catch up. Anaya on the other hand was in the corner of the quinjet in a chair looking down at the teddy bears. She picked up her brothers and hugged it tightly, she then grabbed her teddy bear and hugged it. The young girl stayed like that for rest of the trip back to the compound.

When Vision landed the jet Anaya just held onto the teddy bears and didn't move, she didn't move because she didn't want to walk past her dead brother. When Vision walked over to the boy he picked him up and took him straight over to the hospital wing. Pietro and Wanda watched as Vision take the boy away, Wanda let out a small huff before she looked over at the corner of the jet at the girl. "(Pietro..we can't leave her..)" she said in a quiet voice as she looked at her twin. "(Yeah I know..I'll get her..you can either go or stay and wait..)" Pietro said as he quickly walked over to the girl. Wanda just waited for them, she then looked over and saw Pietro panic he picked up the girl and looked at Wanda with worried eyes. "(GET THE HER STUFF! I NEED TO RUN HER TO THE HOSPITAL WING WHERE EVER IT IS!)" Pietro carried the young unconscious girl as he then zoomed out of the jet and ran to find the hospital wing. Wandas eyes widened, she ran over to the bears and clothes and picked it all up and ran out of the jet to go to the hospital wing.

When Pietro entered the hospital wing he yelled out "HELLO?! ANAYA NEEDS HELP!!" He looked around as he held the limp girl in his arms. Tony and Dr. Cho both ran over and took the gurl from his arms "We will come back for your injury's later!" Dr. Cho said as she ran with the child im her arms. "EVERYONE OUT!" Tony yelled out as he closed the doors as him and Dr. Cho got to work. Pietro had a worried look on his face as he sat down on the chairs. Wanda come rushing in, she looked at Pietro who was in the chair waiting. Wanda took in a deep breath as she walked over to her brother. "We need to wait..they said they will come back for our injuries later.." Pietro spoke out as he looked down at the ground. "Ok..well..now all we got to do is wait.." Wanda said as she put the stuff down in the chair next to her and sat down next to Pietro.

1 hour and 15 minutes later

Tony and Dr. Cho both came out of the doors "ok she's ok she's stable. But she woke up when we where taking out the bullet in her leg. Other than that she's fine she's gonna need to take it easy. She will feel a lot of pain when she's wake she took a real beating.." Dr. Cho said. "Yeah..she's just like her brother...they both are fighters that for damn sure.." Tony said as he sighed. "Ok. So let us help you guy out then after you guys can go in and see Anaya." Dr. Cho said. Pietro and Wanda both sighed and nodded, they simply didn't want to talk they just walked into the hospital wing and got their treatment.

After they got there treatment Wanda and Pietro both went into Anaya's room and sat down next to her. The young girl had a black eye and bad cuts and bruises up and down her arms. Pietro clenched his fists a bit as he saw the young girls state, Wanda just stared at the girl laying in bed. Wanda gotten up and held her hand, she rubbed the young girls hand as tears fell. This reminded her of how Kylar ended up in the hospital wing, Wanda let out a sob as looked at Anaya. Pietro got up and walked over to Wanda and put and arm around her "it will be alright sister..I promise.." He said. Wanda laid her head against Pietro as she kept ahold of Anaya's hand.

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