50. Sam and Buck

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3 months later

June 29th 2023
10:27 a.m

Anaya woke up to the sound of laughter and talking. She simply got out of bed and stretched, she then looked out the window and tilted her head when she saw 2 cars. She then shrugged it off and went and changed, she then went to the bathroom and did her business. Once Anaya was done she walked into the living room and she was greeted by 2 familiar faces. "UNCLE SAMMY! UNCLE BUCKY!!" Anaya blurted out when she seen them talking to Pietro.

The 3 adults all turned their attention to Anaya and smiled. "THERES MY LITTLE WING!!" Sam blurted out. Anaya ran over and hugged Sam and then Bucky. "We missed you little Warrior!" Bucky said as he booped Anaya's nose. Anaya smiled brightly at them "I missed your guys too!! What are you guys doing here anyway? And Uncle Bucky! Your hair!!!" She asked. Bucky chuckled "yeah I cut it you like it? And I could ask you the same thing with your short hair!" Bucky stated. Sam shook his head a bit "well we are here just catching up with your uncle. That's all." Sam said as he then ruffled Anaya's short hair.

Anaya smiled at them before she let them carry on with their catching up. She went into the kitchen to get some breakfast. Once she was done she went into her room and just plopped down on her bed. She simply was bored the whole time she stayed with her uncle, she loved her uncle don't get her wrong but she was bored of doing the same thing almost every day. She just missed Matteo and Wanda. She would simply keep Matteos light going by doing the things he used to do to brighten Pietros mood. Since she noticed Pietro always seemed down because of his twin being distant and his younger brothers death.

Anaya missed Wanda so much too, she started to think that she didn't love her or want her anymore. Since Pietro and everyone can't seem to get into contact with her, for all Wanda knew is that she was dead still. Anaya just wanted to hug and cuddle Wanda again. She missed her mom, she even missed her dad, Vision. She missed how he would be so clueless when she tried to tell him a joke, and him helping her learn with school. She missed him, she missed her father figure since her real father literally faked his love. The little girl sighed and just started to daydream for the time being.

With the adults

Once Anaya was out of their view and hearing range Sam and Bucky both looked at Pietro. "We are still trying to find Wanda. Have you even tried to reach out to her about Anaya?" Sam asked Pietro. Pietro nodded and sighed "I've tried ever since Anaya came back with me. Wanda won't pick up her phone, I think she's handling everything really hard. First off let's just say she's been hiding her emotions for so long. First home and our parents, then hydra and our brother "dying", then ultron and me "dying", then there's these kids she found. She had to lift her spirits. Anaya and Kylar. She lost Anaya for a year, then she got her back by losing her son to the battle to get Anaya. Then you guys know the rest with vision and the snap. She lost Matteo and her daughter. She still thinks she lost Anaya but I can't tell her since I can't seem to talk to her.." Pietro said as he let out a long sigh.

Sam and Bucky both looked down at the ground, Bucky reached over and put a hand on Pietros shoulder. "It will ok. We will keep looking around for her. Plus Anaya needs her mom. And Wanda needs her daughter." Bucky stated as he then stood up. "Well it was nice catching up with you Pietro but me and Sam have our own problems. We will be heading out, we'll keep you posted." Bucky stated as he then walked over to Anaya's room. Sam nodded and gave Pietro a hug, Pietro hugged him back before Sam went to Anaya's room.

Bucky knocked on Anaya's door, Anaya jumped a bit as she snapped out of her daydream "c-come in!!" She stated as she sat up on her bed. Bucky came and followed by Sam. "Hey kiddo, me and Uncle Sam are heading out. We will be back soon ok?" Bucky said as he looked at Anaya. The young girl looked at both the adults before she hugged them both "promise you'll visit." Anaya said as she then pulled away from the hugs and went to sit back down on the bed. "Promise" both the adults stated. "We love you" Sam stated as he left the room. "Love you little Warrior." Bucky said as he ruffled Anaya's hair with his metal arm before he left the room. Anaya smiled at them "Love you too!!" She blurted out as she then closed the door with her powers. Anaya laid back down on her bed and watched as the 2 cars drive off.

Time skip

July 2nd 2023

Anaya was sitting on the couch upside down watching some cartoons. She was home alone for about 30 minutes since Pietro had to do some grocery shopping. The young girl sat back up and sat normally while looking at the screen. She did a little giggle when a funny part of the show came up. She was having a blast of rotting her little brain from the cartoons, she smiled to herself as she wondered what she would be doing if Matteo or Kylar where here.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the door get knocked on loudly. She got up from the couch and slowly and quietly walked to her window to peek out and see who it was. Once she seen a black suv and a black van her heart stopped, it was stupid Hayward. She started to struggled her breathing a bit before she heard the door get knocked on again but more aggressively. Anaya quickly ran over grabbed a paper and pen and wrote down a little note and shoved it under the pillow for Pietro to find.

Anaya then closed her eyes and teleported out of the house and over to the old used to be compound. Once she took a deep breath she collapsed on the dirty ground and looked up at the cloudy sky. Why where they after her? Why did they need her? She just wanted to be left alone to live normally with her family. Anaya soon sat up and took a deep breath of the air. She then felt the familiar shot of the dart go into her arm and back. Her eyes turned teal for a split second before she collapsed on her side, the last thing she seen was a mans figure run up to her before she blacked out.

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