Chapter 9: Roads to Normalcy

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 Loki sat on her balcony, his leg swinging over the side as he strung his bow. Lynette sat at a lounge chair, quietly watching him focus, a book in her hand. She held it open, but the page was left unread.

Loki glanced up at her, surprised she was watching him. "Do you believe you will leave this city one day? I mean, with your father's wishes you will have to go to your husband's land, but do you think they will allow you to go out there, into the wilderness? To see the beauty the world has to offer? To see the places we have only heard of in stories?"

Lynette looked out at the orchards. At the fruit pickers tending to the trees for the early harvest. The slight wind shifted the tree leaves, casting a wave over them. "I would hope so. I would love to see the other kingdoms. Even some abandoned ones."

"I would love to see the lush faerie forests. I have heard they are the most stunning forests of the land. So many kinds of colorful flowers and plants. Nature can do amazing things."

Lynette never thought about the lush forests before. Though she heard of their immense beauty, she had long left the thought behind of ever getting to see one. Sure, maybe someday she could see other cities, but her father would never let her near the forests, even while traveling. The only trees she would ever see are those just outside a carriage curtain or her own window.

Loki's ears twitched as he listened to people conversing just outside of the castle. He could hear everything from within the castle walls from here, just above the roof of the main part of the castle. The tower itself served as rooms for the heirs and servants above them, and each side had a watch room to ensure no oncoming attacks.

The castle itself was situated in the center of an enormous moat leading out into a river. The only two entryways were from the main gate and the moat itself, which was gated and heavily guarded. No attack could reach them from here.

Lynette was glad for it. It meant she could look out her window, off of the balcony and see the city, the orchards and the forests. But no one would be able to reach her.

Lynette watched Loki's ears twitch again. "Who is it?"

"Your father and brother. They are talking about a parade into the city. To bring Annette and you into the city to announce the future courtship season and for Nathaniel to announce the harvest season's beginning, and the end of summer."

"He wants to bring Annette and I into the city? We have not been there in over a year. Since the end of the drought year."

"Well now that you know what your father wishes, I suppose he will want his people to know. He will understand their opinions long before a betrothal is actually made."

"I suppose." Lynette sighed. Both potential suitors flooded her thoughts. Both Ryland and Sami were very interested in catching her attention. Sami was mysterious in the way he wanted to know her and her interests. The fact he even considered her and not her title was mesmerizing. She wanted to know him too.

Both of them offered sweet greetings, but Ryland had not made a huge impression on her. Sami did, both by his conversation and by his position in her father's company.

She could choose neither. Even if one proved to be someone she could come to love, Lynette needed to know she had a place in her own country's rule.

Once her father could see her as a great asset in the family for anything other than a treaty trophy, then she would agree to find someone willing to support her.

Loki, now finished with his bow, set it aside the balcony railing and sat down next to Lynette. His face softened, his ears turned back. "I am afraid my father does not want me coming here anymore."

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