Author's Note

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Hello! For those of you who don't know me yet, my name is Cassie. For those that do, it may be from my other accounts. This one is geared more towards writing help, so I wanted to do this a little differently from my other novels. How? Well...not only will this be the novel, but it will also be all of my notes (most I wrote first so this will include the typed version). My other accounts include CLynWrites and KnightRook

So why did I decide to do it this way? Well, this is going to be an enormous novel. In fact, the series itself will be a project that may take me decades to write. And I won't even start writing the actual novel for probably another year. I am working on another series I want to publish soon. I'll at least have the first few chapters for everyone, and the notes that come with it.

Here is the tricky part though, for those who read all the notes before I start writing, you'll know what happens. Maybe not in detail, but the important stuff will be there. So as I begin to post the story itself, I will make the notes unavailable until I publish the last part (and I'll place the notes at the end). The only thing that will remain is the map, and other details necessary for reading.

So here are a few details to know before reading:

1. This will be a High Fantasy/Low Fantasy series, and will have ties to other types of fantasy. So there will be a lot of elements from Tolkien's fantasy, Dungeons and Dragons, and some from King Arthur's stories.

2. There are three main characters, and each of them have a single secondary character. There will be other characters involved of course, but the secondary character is more prominently in the story than the others. The next few novels will add more main characters and other characters.  Do not worry, it is only one more main character I am adding.

3. The story will be written in 3rd person, but will be from the point of view of all three main characters. You'll have all of their thoughts, but not in first person.

4. This is mostly an action/adventure/drama. There will be some political and romantic ties in it, but the romance will not fully occur in the first book (yes I have thought that far ahead). There will be some romantic drama in the first, but not full-on romance. It is political simply because there are characters involved in running a country, and disagreeing with the way other countries are run. There is also a bit of science fantasy involved because I am creating a new fantasy species.

5. To continue with #4, this is a work of fiction and does not reflect my political views. It is not meant to offend, but will have some undertones of real life history in it and some will find it offensive. Just remember, it is fiction. If you do not like something, no one is forcing you to read it. If you want to argue about it, find someplace and someone else to do it with.

6. Since this story is still pretty new, I am open to ideas. I have not written a full fantasy novel like this one, so please offer suggestions to help guide me in the right direction. If it is something you do not want to post in a comment, feel free to message me.

7. I also have a private discord page for anyone interested in getting involved. Just message me if you want to join.

8. As discussed, this will be a pretty large series. I do not have the content beyond two books yet, but I do have ideas on how to create new content to bring the book count up to eight or nine (and these books will be close to 1,000 pages long). There is a lot of content I want to cover, and I want to widen the knowledge of this world beyond three characters (and four countries).

9. There will be comments throughout each part from my other account CLynWrites or KnightRook for a few reasons. 1. To remind myself to edit it and 2. for the reader to see why rereading and editing is extremely important.

10. And last but not least, just a simple reminder that if you do get involved and enjoy my work, there may be years gaps between each one because I have other series to work on, and because I work full time (and usually around 55-75 hours a week). Feel free to keep pestering me though, it'll drive me to write more.

11. This book has already been edited, but the newest version will not be posted due to my intent to publish.  I do not want the final version here, but on bookshelves.

Now that you know where I am going with this series, I hope you enjoy my book and the process of writing. I'll continue to update as I have more content. Happy reading!

<3 Cass

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