Chapter 7: War and Magic

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Dryn watched the man in front of him perform something strange. Dryn never witnessed something like this before, even in his memories with his family.

He curled a wisp of ice around his fingers, turning it into water before releasing it into the air in small droplets. The droplets traveled across the space between them, landing on the bridge of Dryn's nose.

Dryn smiled, awed by the performance.

The human watched him curiously. "Now, what do you know about magic?"

Dryn gazed at the man. He was lean like Dryn, but muscular in the arms and legs. Someone who travelled frequently.

Dryn bent to the ground, pressing his palm against the gravel and dust. He could feel vibrations in the ground, auras of plants and animals. He lifted his palm, a small sprout piercing through the dirt to grow an inch off of the ground.

"I can sooth animals too. I am familiar with a few minor spells my kind created, but I do not have enough power to make them useful. It is not much, but it is something."

Bol shifted forward, curious. "I found you by a dragon's den. Were you with the dragon when he awoke?"

Dryn nodded. "My parents tasked me with bonding to the dragon. I slept with it, ate with it and soothed it when it was distressed. I tried to help my people, but I could not keep control of the dragon."

The human mage froze. "I have never heard of a master mage being able to control a dragon. I think you have quite a lot of potential, Dryn, if you were able to be near one."

"It was already comfortable with my people. It grew up with my family's ancestors. At least, that is what I remember. My memory of before is kind of fuzzy. I do not really remember my parents anymore." Dryn subconsciously scratched his head.

Bol watched Dryn struggle with his mind. Now at an age where he was becoming self aware, Dryn was losing his memories. At the age of eight, he was much smarter than any of the other children learning at the citadel. At an early age, his awareness of the world was stunning. Even the way he spoke changed.

He advanced so far into his education already, the grand maester believed he was ready. Already familiar with the fundamentals of magic and alchemy, he could now proceed in training.

The mage extended his hand to Dryn. "What kind of magic would you like to learn first? Would you like to extend the magic you already know, or expand onto another?"

"Would learning more of what I already know benefit learning other kinds of magic?"

The mage nodded. "Extending your knowledge of what you already know can help you understand the differences and similarities of different kinds of magic."

Dryn nodded. "I would like to do that, then. First, can we test to see what kinds of magic I am already able to use? I feel like there is more in me than what I just showed you."

The mage paused, considering. "In order to do that, I would have to amplify your ability. It could be painful."

Dryn nodded. "I can take it."

The mage stepped towards Dryn, grasping his wrist. He released some amplifying magic, Dryn suddenly stilling as the sensation washed over him.

The ground beneath his feet began to sparkle as ice covered his shoes. In his free hand, sparks erupted, small flecks of fire and electricity shooting from his palm. His skin began to change, an effect of the elements touching his skin.

Next, the air began to change around them, the pressure thickening. Darkness overcame them, shadows erupting from the hand in the mage's clutches.

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