Their lunch soon arrived and their conversation was as loud as it was back at the Burrow in the kitchen. They got a few stares from nearby customers, but they didn't seem to notice. Later the waitress came over with their check.

"Here ya go folks." she said, placing the bill down on the table. "Are you all heading to fair tonight?"

"The fair? What's that?" Ron asked.

"A fair... you know with rides and stuff... a carnival?" the waitress looked at him.

After Ron felt Hermione kick him under the table he quickly recovered. "Oh... uh, yeah of course," he said, giving Hermione a nasty look and rubbing his leg.

"Well anyway, you all should go, it will be great fun, almost the whole town will be there" she smiled and then walked away.

"So can we go?" Ginny asked.

"Go where?" Molly asked.

"To the fair."

McGonagall, Arthur, and Molly looked at each other.

"What do you think Minerva? Is it safe enough? That's a long time outside of the wards... and with not being able to use magic." Arthur said.

"Yes, it is... but... this area is so far from any Death Eater attacks. I think we will be ok."

"Think? We need to be certain." Molly added.

"Well, are we certain about anything these days?" Arthur said and then leaned in closer to the two women and whispered. "I think this will be good for them and us. We don't want to live in fear and we don't know how many more days like this we have left."

McGonagall gave a bright smile and then turned to them all. "Alright, we can go."


"What time do we need to meet again?" Ginny asked from the fitting room.

"We have about another half hour." Hermione called laying her head on Ron's lap on the couch they waited patiently on.

"Ok, here's another one!" Ginny called, flinging a shirt over the door and Draco grabbed it from her.

"How many shirts have you tried on now? This has got to be the tenth one and you only liked one of them so far," he said, hanging the shirt up on the rack behind him.

"Oh my god Draco, you of all people shouldn't even be talking." Ginny called out to him.

"Ginny, wasn't that the same shirt as the other one you tried on just in a different color?" Harry asked from another nearby chair.

"Exactly, it was a different color, it might've looked different Harry," she said sounding annoyed.

"Harry leave her be, it takes time to pick out the right clothes," Luna said, trying on a bright orange sweater with a huge flower sewed on the shoulder.

"Thank you Luna." Ginny called out to her.

"How is everything going over here?" The shopkeeper came over and said.

"Everything's fine, here put these away," Draco said, handing her a pile of clothes.

"Excuse me, Sir? Do I look like a maid?" the woman asked in a shocked tone.

"Uh, you work here don't you?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then what's the problem?"

"You folks must not be from around here," she stated.

"What does that mean lady?" Draco sneered at her.

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