Chapter 25 - Fun Day?

Start from the beginning

(This is shaved ice and it tastes good 😋)

Hans was waiting near the club's entrance when we arrived. We park our car and head inside.

"Hans keep them company, I need to go the ladies changing room." I instruct.

"Yes kiddo." He smiles and the boys go around the club.

I make my way to the ladies changing room, changing and applying make up. I keep waking inside ignoring the looks I got. I follow the loud screeching voice.

A girl was pinned to the wall and another was harshly grabbing her chin.

"Leave her." I say with full authority.

All heads snap at me while I continue to look coldly at the girl in front of me.

She scoffs and walks up to me. I remember her name, I went through employee list last night.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me this? Get out of here. You don't even work here." She spits venomously.

"Right, I don't work here." I say in a conclusive tone. I look around once again to see everyone staring at me.

I look back to the girl who was getting bullied. "Was today the first time she has put her hand on you?" I ask her.

She eyes go around the room and settle on that girl who was bullying her. I guess they had a 'don't you dare', 'okay' kinda look and she shakes her head.

"Emily Jose?" I call out and wait. A pretty girl comes by my side. I've seen her multiple times but just talked once or twice maybe.

"Is it the first time and also is she the first girl to get bullied?" I ask her in all seriousness.

"No. Chloe bullies a lot and gets her way through." Emily answers.

"Good. Miss Kingston you are fired. It would be better if you get out of my sight, right this instant.." I give her a sick sweet smile and return my expression back to blank.

"How do you know my name? Wait...who the fuck are you to fire me?" She raises her hand to push me which I hold mid-air. I grip it tightly and glance down to see her wearing heels.

Bad choice sweetie.

I smirk and kicked her feet. She fell down on her knees and one of her heel broke. Told ya bad choice.

I hear a few gasps around me which I ignore and drag a chair for myself.

"Learn to respect and take warnings seriously Miss Kingston." I say while leaning forward.

"Okay so whoever got bullied by her stand on my right." I order but nobody moves.

"Can't you all hear me? I said move." I say louder. Finally they move and four girls stand on my right.

"You all either slap her, kick her or punch her. Start." I say calmly. They look at me dumbfounded. "Girls go ahead I'll take responsibility."

"You have no right to do so. I'll complain to the manager." Miss Kingston yells at me.

I wince at her loud voice. "The next person to get fired is the manager so you can't do that. Sorry but not sorry." I fake an apology.

She tries standing up but I push her down and snap my fingers in front of her. I motion her to follow my finger and make her see the gun tucked in my jeans. She freezes and I see fear in her eyes.

"Start the show girls." I say with a grin and lean back into my seat.

In 5 minutes the room is filled with Miss Kingston's sobs and others were smiling. I hate bullies and they need to know that.

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