Chapter 17: Road to Foot Mount

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Under the earth rose and the others was busy making underground tunnel under the town. Since Fischer agreed to their conditions. They decide it's best to move today.

They pack only food for the week and didn't bother to make other preparation. For example mark's sword. His sword got crack, in surely that his blade won't last long and his back up was a spear that he got from bandits.

He didn't know how to use spear and from previous events, he didn't bother to ask someone to teach him some basic training. Now he was regretting that he was hoping that they won't encounter the enemies.

After digging too many hours using earth spirits. They decide to descent to the surface. They found themselves in the forest and in the different direction. They found the town who wasn't far away. In fact in just one glace they will be spotted. Lucky it's evening and no one will find them in dark forest.

"Come on let's ride blacky"

Blacky transform into his behemoth form. Although it's natural for mark and the the others, the elves and Fischer was shock. Who would thought that the small monster in Alice's arms was a catastrophe class monster.

Blacky lower his head and sit on blacky. Although they are nervous mark was more nervous among them all. 

They ride blacky on the past and his nervousness was giving a mental trauma to his body. 

After they sit on blacky. Blacky runs in medium speed. Mark was so thankful that blacky didn't run in full speed unlike last time but little did they know it cause commotion to the guards who patrol in the wall.

Back to the town, the mayor's mansion was on uproar. Not only the girl named Fischer slip to their fingers but also a catastrophe class monster was spotted in the forest.

Thanks to their natural eyes, they can see the enemies even in dark and thankfully. It didn't entered the town but rather. It run away from the town although it wasn't really a sigh of relief.

The monster was roaming inside the kingdom's territory. If it went to other villages it will cause so many death.

"So where does the monster go?"

Mayor adal was nervous, lord Rudolf ask find Fischer and captured here but they went over to top and caught her like criminal. After mayor adal heard it, he was enraged of how incompetent his soldiers are by treating a child like a criminal. It also escalated to the point of beheading them after Fischer escape and was helped by unknown people who was passing by.

The lord also known as duke Rudolf was starting to losing his trust to mayor adal.

'This bad, it's really bad. If I can't find her or kill the monster. Am really losing a face to the lord'

As he thinking this a report came.

"Mayor we pinned the destination of the monster"

"Really? Then where it will go?"

"It's headed to foot mount village"

As his report mayor adal twitched his eyes. To think that he dispatch the soldier before will be dispatch again and returned to foot mount village.

The foot mount village is just a secret village that only few people known. Since he and the chief of foot mount have good terms he was a exception.

As he scratch his head another report came.

"Mayor, Fischer wasn't in the town anymore"


His anger explode as he thrown his cup on the wall and shattered. 


the messager was afraid. It's his first time that mayor adal was been so anger like this.

"Y-yes the intelligence said so"

As he sit down to cool down the message continued his report.

"Also mayor adal there was also another report"

Mayor adal look at the message with an irritation as he listen. The messenger really want to quit his Job if he has chance.

"Duke Rudolf went to chase the monster along with the princess and her knights"

Mayor adal was shock, if the two powerful figure dies his head will be on the chopping block.after all he was careless for letting the monster outside the town and didn't even report. Now that it ran off, all the blames will be pinned to him.

"Dammit, send the troops to aid duke Rudolf and also search the outside of town to find Fischer. I don't care if we have to go to other towns or villages, just find her no matter what"

"Yes mayor"

On the night, the cavalry rush to chase the monster. The unknown monster who has on the catastrophe class was running in fast speed. Although they didn't have any glimpse on it. They are sure that the monster isn't too far.

Duke Rudolf riding his sacred beast was leading the group and his side was princess Tina. They received the report that a monster was heading to the foot mount.

Unlike before Tina was wearing a knights armor with a claymore on her waist. Although she isn't wearing her usual dress. Her beauty was like a stars on the sky.

Duke Rudolf was irritated, the missing girl named Fischer was a headache but a catastrophe monster that roaming his territory was another next leveled of headache to him.

'Once am done here, I'll kill that mayor'

Running in full speed Tina spoke.

"You're majesty duke how far was the foot mount?"

"It too far from here princess Tina why?"

As duke ask Tina rub her chin then spoke.

"Then isn't foot mount was a hidden village right? Then how did the monster go to that direction especially night? Normally, monsters should be sleeping or hunting but this monster make me curious"

It was really strange, duke doesn't have knowledge of monster's behavior but it was really strange.

Why a catastrophe monster was heading the foot mount? To eat? No if his hungry it's either attacking the town or hunted other monster.

As he think this Tina continued.

"Am not sure of my answer but could it be it's blacky?"

"Blacky? Ah now that you mentioned it, isn't that a monster that Alice was carrying?"

Duke Rudolf met Alice before, he also saw a small cat with horns that look like ordinary house cat. He was suspicious of blacky but after Tina told him about blacky. It's a behemoth that can change his body which shocks Rudolf.

"I remembered that Alice went to the border with prince mark from the barrier right?"


Duke Rudolf knew that princess Tina was engaged to Morgan but he didn't met Morgan or mark.

He knew that mark was the first prince and being punished by king largo which it doesn't interest him.

"Duke I was thinking this deeply, according to captain Wagner. He came here to find Einstein and have a request from captain Wagner to capture Einstein too"

"You're right but if what you said is true then the monster is blacky but how did they find the route to foot mount? It's a hidden village that very few people know this unless..."

Duke Rudolf stop thinking and finally found the answer.

"No I can't be..... Fischer was their guild?!'

Duke Rudolf once heard that Fischer came from the near town of foot mount. He didn't expected that his search for Fischer will be on the tip of his nose.

" dammit now things go interesting "

As they ride the duke Rudolf was hoping that his intuition was correct.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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