
407 11 4

(Warning: Sad, Death and Blood)

"Gerard and Frankie sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

The bullies shoot the thing tree trunk as Gerard clung to Frank, their chests pressed together, Frank had his back against the higher park of the trunk and had a protective arm wrapped around Gerard's shoulders "please don't let me fall Frankie"

Frank shakes his head "don't worry Gee, I won't let you fall" he said as he held onto another thickets branch to stop himself falling.

"Come on down faggots" Jason yelled as his friends shook the tree harder.

They were only 13 and being picked on by the other kids in their class "Jake, Dylan, make them fall"

Gerard started slipping from the branch "Frankie, I'm falling" Frank held onto him tighter "no Gee, I've got you" he whispered.

Gerard pecked Franks lips before pulling away "please don't let me fall Frankie" he cried out as he started slipping more.

Frank looked at the drop below them, they were high enough that if Gerard fell he'd break a bone, Frank won't take the chance though.

"Look one of them is falling" Jake said with a laugh, Jason smirked and started throwing large rocks up at the two boys.

"Stop, please he's gonna fall" Frank begged as he tried to pull Gerard up but it was too late.

A rock hit Gerard on the head as he fell back, Frank screamed as Gerard his the floor, he landed right on his back, blood poured from his mouth.

The three boys circled Gerard, they were shocked, Frank climbed down the tree as quick as possible before pushing them out of the way.

Frank looked down at Gerard before falling to his knees beside his "Gee" Frank whispered, his heart was beating out of his chest.

"Gerard" he whimpered out as he put his hands on Gerard's shoulder.

It was apparent that the boy wasn't moving or breathing for that matter "no" he sobbed out before putting his head on Gerard's shoulder and hugging his limp body.

Frank sobbed hard as he clutched onto Gerard "please come back Gerard" he begged, Gerard's eyes were open and lifeless "please don't leave me here"

The other three 13 year older pulled Frank off Gerard "dude we need to go"

Frank fought back but it was no use, three against one.

Frank let them drag him away, his sobbing stopped but he let the tears fall silently.

Frank calls an ambulance once they were closer to the road, the ambulance came but Frank couldn't move, he couldn't speak as he watched them take away Gerard's body.

The police questioned all the boys, Frank was hysterical during the whole thing, cops had to talk to him once he calmed down.

When Frank was taken home he couldn't even tell his mother what happened, the police did.

Frank just went straight to his room where he spent the next two weeks, not moving unless he needed the bathroom.


Gerard felt himself falling back, he shut his eyes and it was only a couple seconds later he hit the ground, Gerard felt a sharp pain then opened his eyes, Frank climbed down the tree as Jason, Jake and Dylan circled him, Gerard stood off the floor and sighed "I'm fine, everything's ok" he said with a small smile.

Frank ran over making Gerard grin but the smaller boy crouched down, Gerard was confused as he looked down, he gasped after he saw his body.


Gerard crouched down next to Frank, he examined his own body and frowned "I'm gonna miss you Frankie" he whispered as the smaller boy turned hysterical.

Gerard turned and smiled sadly as he saw a staircase, it was gold and the light was bright "goodbye Frankie" he whispered before kissing Franks cheek.

Gerard just wished Frank knew he was there.


When you die you age but very slowly, Gerard was 34 and looked like he was 19.

Gerard watched over Frank and watched the poor boys life become hell.

Gerard watched Frank become an alcoholic, he watched Frank beat the shit out of Jason, Jake and Dylan which made him smile.

Frank really had changed Uber the years, after Gerard's passing Frank was no longer the bubbly, energetic kid he was when Gerard was alive, he was cold hearted to everyone he set eyes on and would be for the rest of his life.

After Gerard's funeral Frank stayed by his best friends grave all night, once everyone left Frank sank to his knees and put a rose down onto the mud.

Frank laid down next to the mud patch and pretended Gerard was still there "it's only been a week, but I miss you so much Gee"

Frank sniffled "I-I wish you were still here Gee, I don't know what I'm gonna go without you" he whimpered out.

It broke Gerard's heart to listen and watch his best friend crumble like this, but one day, they'll be together again.

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