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(Current Gerard and Frank when he dyed his hair blond)

Gerard sighed as he got home from filming the umbrella academy, he was really happy watching his comic turn into a Netflix series.

But after a long day on set he just wanted to spend some time with his husband and 3 daughters.

"Dad come see what papa done" Bandit screeched before running outside.

Gerard sighed as he hoped Frank didn't break something, when he got outside he saw his husband crouched down in front of the pizza oven, while Cherry, Lilly and Bandit sat at the outside table.

It took Gerard a couple of seconds before he realised what his husband done.

He bleached his hair!

Gerard gasped and Frank turned around "oh hey babe" he said as he walked over before kissing his cheek "how was your day"

Gerard chuckled "never mind how my day was, you've been busy haven't you"

Frank giggled "do you like it"

Gerard smiled "yeah it's cool, but why did you wanna dye it" he asked making Frank shrug "thought I could use a change for a while"

Gerard giggled and ruffled Franks hair "our pizza better not be burning"

"Oh shit"

Frank quickly ran back Uber to the pizza over as Gerard laughed, Frank brought the pizza out and put it on the plate that sat on the table "ok girls go wash your hands, you've been playing out in the yard all day"

The 3 girls got up and quickly ran inside, Gerard turned to Frank and pecked his lips softly "remember when I have blond hair"

Frank smirks "how could I forget, I could barely keep my hands off you" he said as he squeezed Gerard's ass making him just and squeal.

Frank chuckled and wrapped his arms around Gerard's waist "gimme a kiss babe"

Gerard pressed his lips to Franks and ran his fingers through Franks hair, Frank sighed and put his hands ether sides of Gerard's face.

They pulled away after a couple of seconds and smiled "you are the love of my life" Frank whispered before kissing Gerard's cheek.

Gerard giggled and pulled Frank into a hug "you're still as handsome and romantic from when we were 17"

Frank smiled "you're still as beautiful as the day I set eyes on you"

They pecked each other on the lips before pulling away, 3 sets of foot prints got louder as the 3 girls came back outside all holding hands "all done"

They family sat down at the table as Frank sliced up the pizzas "papa how did you and dad meet" Cherry asked.

Frank chuckled and put a slice of pizza on each girls plates "I've told you the story loads of times"

Lilly giggled "but we wanna hear it again and how you guys knew you wanted to get married"

Gerard chuckled and bit into his pizza as Frank got ready to tell the story "we were 15, your dad was the new kid at school, he looked so nervous" Frank starts "I was terrified" Gerard adds.

"He held his books close to his chest as he looked around, we made eye contact and I could help but smile, I went over and asked his if he wanted me to show him around"

Frank could help but smile "we became best friends, when we were 17 I asked him on a date, he of course said yes, I made his a picnic, we watched the sun set and your father looked beautiful, we started dating, we fell in love, we spent ever second of everyday together, I knew I wanted to marry him when we drove around all night, we watched the sun set and the sun rise, it was as beautiful as your father"

Gerard leaned over and kissed Franks cheek "I love it when you tell that story"

Franks smiled "me too"

The family enjoyed their meal and a couple hours later the girls were in bed, Gerard and Frank were on the couch cuddling.

Frank had his arm around Gerard's shoulders as the other man laid his head on Franks shoulder.

"We've been married for nearly 20 years now, we need to go on vacation" Gerard said making Frank chuckle "maybe we could go to Hawaii for a couple weeks, my parents could watch the kids"

Gerard looked up at Frank and smiled "sounds perfect" he said softly, Frank leaned down and pecked Gerard's lips "not as perfect as you"

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