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(Kinda sad, not much Frerard but oh well)

Gerard Way was a slut but more importantly he was a slut for Frank Iero, his brothers boyfriend.

Frank was sat on Mikey's bed as the coddled and watched a movie, Mikey had fallen asleep in Franks arms which made the smaller boys heart melt.

Frank was on his phone snap chatting people when he got a snap from Gerard.

He was in front of his mirror wearing a white and black checkered shirt that was unbuttoned showing off his chest and stomach, black short shorts and knee high socks 'how do I look Frankie' the caption reads.

Franks eyes widened as he just decided to ignore it.

But Gerard wasn't done.

He knew he should t be doing this to his brothers boyfriend but he just couldn't help it, Mikey was gonna break up with him anyway so why shouldn't Gerard just shoot his shot.

Gerard took many more flirtatious pictures until he started to take off his clothes.

Gerard stood in front of the mirror in only boxers as he held his bulge in his hand 'you make me so horny Frankie or should I say daddy'

He then proceeded to take off his boxers and held his erection in his hand 'I want you to fuck me so hard daddy'

Frank decided he was fed up with the club rant vibrating coming from his phone so he just decided he'd quickly look at them and ignore Gerard.

Franks eyes widened as he came across a video of Gerard jerking off and bites his lip at the last video of Gerard coming.

"I didn't realise you were in the mood" Mikey said as he cupped Franks erection.

Frank jumped and put his phone down but smirked "yeah, so horny thinking about you babe"


"Oh fuck Frank" Mikey moaned as he pounded into Frank "oh Gerard"

Franks eyes widened as he realised what he said, Mikey stopped and looked at Frank in disbelief "you wanna fuck my brother don't you" he asked as he pulled out and pulled his pants back up.

Frank quickly found his boxers and pulled them up "no, I wanna be with you, I wanna fuck you" he said as he tried to reach out for Mikey.

Mikey shook his head and angrily picked up Franks clothes and pushed them into his arms "get the fuck out, I don't wanna see you ever again" he yelled as he pushed Frank out his bedroom door.

Frank looked at the door sadly before dropping his clothes to the floor "wait you're breaking up with me" he asked sadly.


Frank gasped and stepped away from the door just as Gerard's opened "woah, you look good" he said with a smirk making Frank glare at him and pull his clothes back on "why don't you go fuck him Gerard, since every boyfriend I've ever had fucking falls for you and not me"

Gerard furrowed his eyebrows "what's going on" he asked Frank, Frank didn't say anything as he he pulled his shoes on "you're a fucking whore Gerard, now you've just cost me my relationship, thank you very fucking much I hope it was all worth it to you" he said rather calmly before checking his pockets and not finding his phone or car keys.

"Mikey can I please get my phone and car keys" Frank asked through the door, there was shuffling behind the door and it opened.

Mikey's eyes were red and his cheeks were tear stained "here" he mumbled as he put Franks things in his hands.

Mikey went to shut the door but Gerard stopped him "Mikey wait, it's not Franks fault, it's m-mine, I was sending him things I shouldn't have been sending him and I'm sorry, I may like Frank but I can't take him away from you, I'm a dirty, worthless whore and I'm sorry I keep ruining your relationships" he said with guilt and sadness.

Mikey looked at Frank who was smiling shyly at him and smiled back "come here Frankie"

Frank pushed past Gerard and hugged Mikey tight, Frank smiled gratefully at Gerard to which Gerard returned a sad smile.

He closed the door softly and sighed before going to his room, Gerard put on some better clothes that didn't make him look like a slut and decided he would go out for a couple drinks.

He wasn't looking for a hook up or anything, he just needed a drink.

Gerard heard the giggling coming Frank Mikey's room and it really hurt but he just had to move on and deal with it.

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