Up Late

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(Shorter than usual)

Gerard looked at the clock and sighed, it had only been 10 minuets since Frank had left for his shift at the bar and it had felt like hours.

Gerard made dinner and left Franks on the ta le for when he got home.

Whole Gerard waited for his husband to get home he decided to watch some movies.


It was 3am and Frank had finally got home, he could smell the amazing meal his husband had made he he went straight to the kitchen to eat his dinner.

Once he finished he went to the living room for a smoke, Frank almost jumped out his skin when he found his husband sleeping on the couch.

Frank sat down on the edge of the couch and shook Gerard awake "babe, wake up, you gotta go to bed"

Gerard grunts and snuggled under his blanket more making Frank smile and lean forward "wake up my darling, I wanna go to bed and I want you there with me"

Gerard groaned and opened his eyes "Frankie, did I fell asleep" he asked making Frank chuckle softly "yes babe, let's go up to bed now"

Gerard whined "carry me" he mumbled softly, Frank chuckled "I'm not carrying you"

Gerard looked up at Frank with puppy dog eyes "please Frankie"

Frank sighed "alright alright" he said before picking up Gerard bridal style. 

Once they got upstairs Gerard placed him on the bed softly "take off your jeans babe, get comfy"

Gerard whined making Frank groaned dramatically, he took Gerard's pants off for him before taking his own pants and shirt off leaving him in his boxers.

"Thank you Frankie, I'm real tired" he whispered, Frank tired out the light and laid down next to Gerard "good nights Gee, I love you"

Gerard lazily took Franks hand in his "I love you too Frank"

And with that both men fell asleep.

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