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"Breaking news! There will be a 5 day heatwave over the whole of New Jersey, citizens are advised to drink plenty of water and to stay shaded if outdoors for too long"

Frank groaned and turned off the tv, he was currently on the couch in his boxers with 3 AC fans hitting him, Gerard walked down stairs in his swimming trunks and a medium sized box "come on Frank, go out your trunks on"

Frank groaned "if I move too much I'll get even hotter babe"

Gerard rolled his eyes "just go get your trunks on and meet me in the back yard" he demands before going outside.

Frank didn't understand what was so exciting outside, they didn't have a pool.

Franks eyes widened as he quickly pulled on his trunks and ran outside, he smiled when he saw Gerard setting up a large kiddy pool.

Frank walked over "shit I love you"

Once the pool was blown up and filled Frank picked up Gerard and threw him inside, Frank giggled as Gerard grabbed his wrists and pulled him in too.

Frank chuckled as they sat in the water, Frank splashed Gerard and laughed loudly "baby come give me a kiss" Frank whispered, Gerard giggled and shook his head before splashing him in the face.

Frank gasped as a small water fight erupted, the two grown men laughed and threw water at each other a while until Frank wrapped his arms around Gerard's waist "fuck I love you"

Gerard giggled "I love you too baby, getting this was a great idea" he said as he put his arms around Franks shoulders "can I get a kiss now" Frank whispered making Gerard nod and peck his lips.

Frank smiled and splashed Gerard again "maybe I'll make us some veggie burgers and we can have some fun outside, we never go outside"

Gerard smiled "as long as I'm with you, I don't care what we do" he replied.

Frank chuckled "I'll find the sun beds and I can maybe get a little tan" he said making Gerard snort "you're covered in tattoos, I don't think you'll actually be able to see it"

Frank pushed Gerard roughly so he went into the water more, Gerard giggled "fuck you dude"

Frank giggled and kissed Gerard's cheek "I definitely feel better, even if it is a kiddy pool, at least you're not drowning" Frank said making Gerard roll his eyes "shut up"

Frank laughed again "make me"

Gerard tackled Frank and pushed his head under the water before pulling him back up, Frank gasped "I meant kiss me, not drown me" he said with a chuckle.

Gerard giggled "sorry babe" he whispered before pecking Frank's lips "is that better"

Frank huffed "I want more"

Gerard chuckled and pressed his lips to Franks softly, Gerard straddled Franks waist and wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

"Woah, sex in the pool"

Gerard and Frank pulled away to see Mikey and Ray "you guys are making out in a kiddy pool, for real" Mikey said with raised eyebrows, Gerard chuckled "it's hot outside and making out in here keeps us cool"

Ray and Mikey walked over and dipped their feet in "oh that's nice, Mikey go out the stuff over there" Ray said as he got into the pool, Mikey rolled his eyes and quickly put the things away before getting into the pool "oh this is wonderful" Ray said as he laid right back. 

Gerard chuckled and laid back too "this is sooooo nice"

Everyone laid back and sighed "I want a cocktail" Gerard said making Frank chuckle "you're so fucking gay"

Gerard giggled "so fucking what, I want a cocktail"

Frank pulled him close "I'll get you one soon, I'm enjoying this"

The 4 men spent the whole day int he pool before Ray and Mikey went to their own home, Gerard and Frank took a shower together of course then laid in bed, covers off "goodnight baby, I love you"

"I love you too"

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