Good Time

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Lindsay had convinced Gerard to come to her party tonight, Gerard wasn't a party type of person but he wanted to go anyway.

Gerard put on super skinny jeans, a misfits shirt and a black leather jacket to go with it.

He nervously walked up to Lindsey's front door which swung open instantly "Gerard, come on come on you gotta see this cute guy, he's in college and he's gay"

Gerard giggled and walked inside, it was loud and there was drunk people making out everywhere.

"Come on, I left him with Jamia, she's telling him all about you"

When they got to the living room Gerard saw the hottest guy he's ever set eyes on, he was covered in tattoos and he had short dark hair, Gerard's lips parted and realised that was the guy Lindsay would try and set him up with.

The guy looked over and he couldn't stop staring at Gerard, Jamia wasn't doing a very good job of setting them up.

Because she wanted the tattooed guy, she was trying to put her boobs in his face and was touching his shoulders.

The guy was far from interested, he smiled at Gerard and looked down at Jamia "excuse me a minuet"

Jamia watched him walk up to Gerard with a glare.

Lindsay smirked and stepped back "hey, I-I'm Frank and holy shit you're really cute" he said making Gerard blush and giggle "I'm Gerard"

Frank bites his lip nervously "can I get you a drink" he asked making Gerard smile "sure but make it have vodka"

Frank chuckled "I'll be back in a second, don't run away"

Gerard giggled and shook his head "don't worry I won't"

Jamia glared at Gerard and stomped over "what do you think you're doing, I saw him first"

Gerard furrows his eyebrows "he's gay, I'm the only one who would actually get a chance with him"

"Well once he sees my perfect body he'll want me, unless he sees you're ugly one first then that'll turn him straight" Jamia said with a smirk making Gerard cross his arms over his chest "what is your problem"

Jamia rolled her eyes "you think you're so perfect and you think you're so popular but no one actually likes you, you're not perfect, you're not pretty, you're not skinny, you're just a filthy faggot the no one will ever want"

Gerard's eyes widened as did Franks as he came back over, Gerard looked down at his stomach and thighs before looking back up at Jamia who was smirking yet again, Frank pushed past Jamia and put the two cups down "come on, let's go outside" Frank whispered in the other boys ear.

Gerard nods his head and looked back down at the ground as Frank leads him outside.

"Are you ok"

Gerard shakes his head "I-I thought she was my friend, do I even have any friends" he whispered making Frank pull him close "of course you do, Lindsay and Ray haven't stopped talking about you all night, they really wanted me to meet you, they never told me how pretty you are though"

Gerard shakes his head making Frank frown "hey, she's got nothing on you, you're fucking gorgeous, plus you're a boy, you're just my type" he said with a grin at the end making Gerard giggle "am I really your type though"

Frank chuckled and pulled Gerard even closer "fuck yeah you are, I think it's a bonus that you're fucking gorgeous"

Gerard giggled and blushed making Frank laugh "you're so cute when you blush"

Gerard blushed even more and Frank pulled him even closer, their foreheads resting against each others "maybe we could go out for breakfast tomorrow, I'd like to get to know you when there isn't loud music in my ears"

Gerard giggled "I'd like that" he replied as his arms snake around Franks neck.

"You are so fucking pretty" Frank whispered as he leaned closer "your lips look so kissable, can I see if they are"

Gerard smiled and leaned forward to peck Franks lips, Frank kissed Gerard softly and they pulled away after a couple of seconds.

"Fuck" Frank groaned out before smashing his lips against Gerard's, their lips moved roughly and sloppily, a loud whine came from Gerard making Frank smirk and grab his ass.

Gerard palmed Frank through his jeans causing him to groan, Frank pulled away "fuck, let's go find a bedroom"

Gerard nods his head and pulled Frank through the house, Lindsay and Ray smiled but Jamia glared.

Once they got into a bedroom Frank pushed Gerard onto the bed "god Frankie, you make me feel so pretty"

Frank crawled on top of Gerard and smirked "you're fucking gorgeous"

Gerard gripped Franks shirt "I wanna see your tattoos, I bet they're fucking hot"

Frank chuckled "only if I get to see you naked"

Gerard smiled "ok"


Frank and Gerard collapsed in the bed with loud groans "fuck, baby that was amazing" Frank whispered out, both of them panting loudly.

Gerard smiled "the best I've ever had, I'd gladly have it again"

Frank chuckled "don't worry, you'll get it again" he replied, Frank pulled Gerard close and smiled "where do you wanna go for breakfast tomorrow"

Gerard hummed "I dunno, you decide, I'm terrible at choosing" he said making Frank chuckle "ok I'll choose then"

Gerard snuggled further into Frank and grunts "you're really cozy"

Frank smiled "so are you babe"

Frank wrapped his arms around Gerard protectively "gimme a kiss" he whispered.

Gerard giggled and pressed his lips to Franks "you're cute"

Frank grabbed Gerard's ass making him jump and giggled "you're sexy" Frank said lowly before pecking Gerard's lips.

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