You're back?

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Gerard put the rest of his things in the back of his car, Frank was yelling at him in protest making Gerard shake his head as he put Cherry and Lilly in their car seats.

"Where the fuck 're ya gonna go huh, there's no one" Frank slurred from the front door.

Gerard sniffles as he shut the back door where his two2 and a half year old kids were strapped into their safety seats "I'll find somewhere, I'm certainly not staying here with a druggy alcoholic" Gerard yelled as he put the kids last case in the car.

Frank groaned "y-you're not taking my kids away from me Gerard" he said as he leaned against the door frame.

Gerard turned to Frank "yes I am, I'm not putting my children in danger before their father is a violent alcoholic, I'm done Frank, you're not gonna hurt them or me anymore"


It had been a year since Gerard left with Lilly and Cherry, Gerard felt bad for bothering Pete and Mikey, he felt even worse because he hadn't been able to move out.

Mikey and Pete were working all the time and Gerard was taking care of his baby's.

Frank didn't even try to contact Gerard for the kids birthday after they separated.

Gerard didn't know how to tell 2 year olds about they're alcoholic father but luckily they didn't remember.

"I think I saw Frank today"

Gerard's heart started beating fast "oh, did he recognise you" he asked with a shaky breath.

Mikey nods "yeah, he did, I didn't recognise him at first but he came over and said hey, he's changed a lot, he cut his hair and he wasn't wearing messy, stained clothes, he was also sober"

Gerard scoffed "sober for once" he said as he looked down at his hands, Mikey sighed "he asked about Cherry and Lilly"

Gerard sat up straight away "ok, what did he ask"

Mikey sat up on the couch next to Gerard and took a deep breath "he asked how they were, he asked if they even remembered him, he wondered if they are better off without him and..."

Gerard looked at Mikey, waiting for what else Frank wanted to know "and he asked if you're proud of them a-and he said that he's proud of them"

Gerard nods his head slowly before biting his bottom lip and holding back the tears "did uh, did he ask about me"

Mikey put his hand on Gerard's shoulder and shook his head.

Gerard bottom lip shook as he wiped away the tears "I'm sorry Gerard"

The man stood up and shook his head "n-no, it's alright, I-I'm over him, I don't need him to ask about me" he said as he went out into the back yard.

He sat down at the bench on the grass as he sobbed into his arms "I love you Frankie" he whimpered out "I love you so much"


The next morning Gerard had woken up with puffy eyes and red cheeks.

He heard giggling from downstairs which was coming from Cherry and Lilly.

Gerard pulled him out of bed and realised he was still wearing his clothes from last night.

When he got downstairs Mikey gave Gerard a sad look before whispering something to the girls.

Lilly and Cherry ran over to Gerard and held his hands "daddy's sad" Lilly said as she hugged Gerard's leg "daddy's sad" Cherry copied Lilly's actions making Gerard smile "daddy's gonna be ok"

Just then there was a knock on the door "go watch cartoons, Uncle Pete will make you pancakes too" Gerard said as he walked towards the door.

When Gerard opened it his lips parted and his eyes widened "w-what are you doing here"

Gerard stared at the man the he once knew I'm shock "I wanted to see how you were doing"

Gerard gulped and crossed his arms over his chest "you didn't seem all that interested in me yesterday, Mikey told me you were only interested in my kids"

Frank looked at Gerard sadly "our kids, my name is also on the adoption form" he said with a sad tone.

As much as Gerard wanted to wrap his arms around Frank and cry out how much he loved him, Gerard just stood his ground.

"Well maybe if you were a better dad and a better boyfriend none of this wouldn't have happened" he said harshly making Frank gulp "c-can I please come in, I-I wanna talk to you properly"

Gerard sighed and opened the door more for Frank "we're going into the kitchen and you will not talk to them do you understand" Gerard said sternly.

Frank heart broke but he nods his head anyway "understood"

When they got into the kitchen Gerard looked out the window then back at Frank "what are you doing here"

Frank gulped "I-I wanted to see you and my kids, I wanted to apologise for what I done, I spent the last year getting clean and I am, I-I didn't want to come back and not be better but I know I am now, I-I want us again Gerard, I want you and the kids to move back in"

Gerard sighed and rubbed his eyes slightly "it's not that easy Frank"

Frank stepped closer "why not, I-I Wanna be a family again, a proper family, don't you want to be what we used to be"

Gerard shook his head "that's the problem Frank, I can't remember what we were before you turned to drugs and alcohol, I don't remember the Frank that made me feel loved"

Frank desperately stepped forward so he was really close to Gerard "I-I can make you remember, I'll help you remember how I made you feel, please Gerard"

Gerard took a deep breath "why didn't you ask about me yesterday when you saw Mikey"

Frank bites his lip "because I wanted to see you for myself, please let me show you how much I love you, let me help you remember the Frankie you once knew"

Gerard opened his mouth to protest but was cut off by the door opening "daddy I drawed you a picture" Lilly said as he ran into the room.

Frank gasped as he saw his daughter for the first time in a year, just then another set of footsteps got closer to the door "daddy I'm hungry" Cherry said as he ran into the kitchen too.

Then Cherry looked up at Frank "who's he" she asked her dad making him sigh and look up at Frank.

Looked at Gerard, pleading with his eyes as he mouthed 'please' desperately.

Gerard smiled softly "Cherry, Lilly this is your other father" he said making Frank grin and crouch down "hey girls" he said nervously.

Both girls ran over to Frank and giggled as they hugged him tight "you girls got big" he said with a grin.

After a couple of seconds the girls pulled away and went straight into the lit bing room.

Frank stood up and wiped the tears from his cheeks, he looked at Gerard and smiled shyly "I tried not to cry but I just couldn't help it"

Gerard gulped and stepped a little closer to Frank "how long have you been clean for"

Frank bites his lip "8 months, after you left I didn't believe you'd be gone that long but Ray put me back into reality, when I realised you weren't coming back o was heart broken a-and I wanted to get clean, I wanted my family back, I got my job back, I moved into a better apartment a-and I finally have my life in check, well, the only thing that will make it perfect was if you and the kids came back"

Gerard stepped closer to Frank before taking his hands in his "it would make my life perfect too"

Gerard pressed his forehead against Franks "I want more than to just move in though"

Frank took one of his hands from Gerard before caressing his cheek "I wanna marry you"

Gerard smiled and wrapped his arms around Franks shoulders "I can't wait to move back in"

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