Heart Break

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Frank really didn't wanna go over to Gerard and Lindsay's house, they're throwing a 'get together' sort of thing and Frank doesn't know if he can stand watching Gerard and Lindsay.

Frank and Gerard had a past, 3 years they were together, the broke up because Gerard was sleeping with Lindsay, turns out he wasn't gay or even bi.

He was just confused.

Frank nervously walked into Gerard's back yard to see Lindsay's family, Gerard's family and friends.

Frank awkwardly stood in the shade where everyone who smoked seemed to go.

After about half a hour still no one had spoken to him, he was about to leave when Lindsay tried to get everyone's attention.

Lindsay smiled and held Gerard's hand "so I've got an announcement to make, Gerard here doesn't even know yet"

Gerard furrowed his eyebrows and chuckled "what don't I know"

Lindsay smiled "I'm pregnant"

Frank closed his eyes and sighed, Gerard gasped and wrapped his arms around Lindsay.

Everyone cheered apart from Frank who was wishing he never came.

Once it quiets down a little Gerard pulled away and got down on one knee, Frank gasped as he pulled out a black box.

Frank went lightheaded as Gerard gave his little speech about his much he loves Lindsay.

"Will you marry me and become Lindsay Way"

Tears brimmed Franks eyes, they burned but he refused to let them fall, Lindsay cried out 'yes' and then it was official.

Frank could never get the love of his life back.

He was about to leave when someone stood in front of him, it was Donna.

Frank nervously smiled up at her "uh, c-congratulations on becoming a grandmother"

Donna smirked "I knew he'd finally find the right path, it was never about forever Frank, he was just a confused little boy"

Frank sniffles "I guess so" he whispered, Donna chuckled "face it, you'll have to watch my son get married and have a wonderful life without you, just how it's mean to be"

"Mom, leave him alone"

Mikey came to the rescue and made his parents walk away, the events of today and Donnas words hurt.

Mikey watched as his friend let the tears finally run down his face "I'm sorry Frankie" he whispered as he wel rapped his arms around Franks shoulders, Frank sniffles and wrapped his arms around Mikey's waist.

"Frank don't cry here, everyone will hate you, don't do it" he whispered, Frank sniffles and nods his head.

Mikey gasped "Gerard's coming, stop crying right now"

They pulled away and Frank stopped with the tears "hey guys, I'm glad you could come" Gerard said with a grin.

Mikey smiled "I'm happy for you big bro" before giving Gerard a quick hug.

Gerard turned to Frank and smiled "I'm glad you could make it Frank"

Frank didn't look at Gerard "yeah well congratulations on you're engagement and you're new family" he said softly.

Gerard smiled "well thank you very much, I hope you'll have a plus one" he said, Frank shrugged "doubt it"

Lindsay then walked over with a smile "hey guys" she said with a grin, Frank looked up at the wrong time because when he did he watched Gerard peck Lindsay on the lips.

Frank looked back down as Lindsay smirked at him "how are you doing Frank" she taunts.

Frank shrugged "congratulations Lindsay" he said making her giggle "don't you have a boyfriend yet Frank"

Frank looked up and shook his head, Lindsay chuckled "are you trying to tell me that my fiancé was the last person you dated"

Frank bites his lip and nods his head, Lindsay scoffed "well that's pathetic, Gerard he's not coming to the wedding" she mumbled.

She walked away leaving Frank, Gerard and Mikey "don't worry Frank, you can still come" he said before walking away.

Mikey turned to Frank just as he quickly left the yard, he couldn't hold back his sobs anymore.

This woman still the love of his life and now they're getting married, gonna start a family together and have a perfect life.

But Frank, he's not gonna have a family anymore, he's 29 and no one wants him, he's too scared to be with anyone, he's scared they'll realise they're straight and they'll leave.


It had been two years since that day, Frank never did get an invite to the wedding, Gerard started ignoring his texts and call, Mikey and Ray moved to L.A and adopted 2 kids.

While everyone was enjoying their lives Frank was sitting in the hospital bed, he felt himself growing weaker and the cancer growing stronger.

No one knows that Frank is unwell, his parents were dead and his friends were having great lives without him, so why bother trying to ruin it.

Frank wrote a letter for 3 people, one each, one for Gerard, one for Ray and one for Mikey.

Mikey's contact was the emergency contact for the day Frank died.

Unfortunately the night he wrote the letters to each man he had passed.

Mikey and Ray rushed back to New Jersey when they heard the news, when Mikey found out he called Gerard a right away.

Everyone went to the hospital where they were handed their letters.

Rays was about how great of a friend he was, how he hoped Franks death wasn't too much for him since they were best friends.

Mikey's was about how much he meant as a friend to Frank and how he was one of the most started men Frank knew.

And finally Gerard's.

Gerard's letter contained information about how in live Frank was with Gerard, how he promised he'd love Gerard until he died (which he did), about how Gerard lied but Frank didn't.

Ray looked at Franks lifeless body in the bed and couldn't help but cry, Mikey too.

When Gerard finished his he sat on the edge of the bed and hugged Franks lifeless body "I'm so sorry Frankie" he sobbed out.

After 15 minuets of sobbing hysterically Gerard finally let go "I'm sorry Frankie" he whispered before he kissed Franks cold forehead.

In the letters they were all informed that Frank didn't want a funeral, there would only be three people there, so what's the point in pending all that money.

When Franks coffin was getting put into the ground Gerard watched sadly.

"I'm sorry Frank" he whispered to himself, Ray held Mikey but no one held Gerard, that's all he wanted, he wanted to be held.

But now he knew how Frank felt.

The men were there but just not at most of the right times.

The coffin was covered by the mud and the people at the church vanished.

Ray and Mikey tried to get Gerard to come home with them but Gerard didn't budge.

He wanted to stay there, where Frank was, he wanted to apologies and explain everything, even thought Frank can never forgive him, it might give Gerard some closure.

A/N I got really emotional writing this and I was crying the whole time...just me? Ok 🙃

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