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Friday morning began like any other. It was 10 am, everyone was working and Katya was already teasing Trixie with another death defyingly short and tight dress. Trixie was forced to detach her eyes from the blonde's alluring form when someone knocked on her door.

"Oh hello Jeff." Trixie greeted her communication agent.
"Good morning. I'm sorry to be this upfront and bring bad news so early but this can't wait. Someone has revealed some really private things about you to the press. There are 6 different articles right now but we can expect more to come. I'll let you see for yourself and decide about what we should do." Jeff explained, seeming embarrassed and worried about the situation. He handed Trixie the tabloids and left the room.
"Oh and Katya... you're also concerned." He added before closing the door.

"Multi-millionaire CEO caught in a lesbian affair with her secretary" "Trixie Mattel, owner of Trixie Cosmetics, requires really special attention from her secretary" "Trixie Mattel's lesbian affair: was the secretary consenting?" These were some of the titles that could be read on the newspapers, next to blurry pics of the two girls in the act.

Trixie's head began to spin as she saw everything she build destroyed in a matter of seconds. Nobody would take her seriously from now on, investors would run away, and worse than that, some people believed that she used her position to pry on Katya.

The Russian was standing behind her boss, realizing the mess they were in as she looked over the catchphrases and pictures.

"I'm so sorry Trix. We'll find a way to overcome this, I promise." Katya said trying to reassure Trixie, putting her hands on the girl's shoulders.
"No, no, don't make a promise you can't keep. Take your day off. I need to think right now and you're not helping." The boss harshly spat.

Katya backed off, guessing Trixie was probably just overwhelmed and upset about the situation.
"Okay. Call me if you need, and don't beat yourself up for that babe."

Once Katya left, Trixie tried to list what were her options. She couldn't deny that she had something going on with Katya. She had to find out which one of her employees betrayed her, fire and sue the traitor. But even after that, she needed to make sure it wouldn't happen again. Which meant terminate Katya, which was really unfair, or keeping her out of her private life. This thought was painful, but it could be necessary to save her company.

Just when Trixie reminisced about all the hard work she put in to found her makeup line, someone knocked on the door.

"What is it? Good morning Violet." Trixie said faking a smile. Even if she hired Violet years ago and the girl was really professional, she couldn't bring herself to forget how she flirted with Katya some days ago when the two were mad at each other. Violet also tried to hook up with Trixie before that, but the boss declined, saying that she couldn't have an affair with an employee. That's when Trixie realized who was behind it all.

Violet was pissed that she couldn't get her way with either of the women, so when she heard rumors about Trixie and Katya being intimate she wanted to take revenge. She carefully placed cameras all around the headquarters and when she had enough material, she sent everything to multiple magazines.

Trixie felt her whole body burn with hatred. She wanted to beat up Violet, but she knew better.

"I can see you're finally understanding what's going on." Violet laughed as she saw her boss's face turn red.
"I know right now you want to end my career, but you should forget about that. I got some more stuff to sent to the press that could easily make your company go bankrupt. Now you'll think twice before telling me no and stealing my girl."
"She's not your girl and she'll never be."
"Yeah right. We'll see about that." Violet scoffed before leaving Trixie's office.

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