Chenry- Good vs Evil

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"Captain Man! Look out!" Kid Danger yelled as he avoided another punch.

2 hours ago, Kid Danger and Captain Man arrived at the honey factory, thinking that their next villain to thwart was the Bee-keeper, seeing as he supposedly had kidnapped the founder and CEO of TwitFlash, Rick Twitler. 

Little did Captain Man and Kid Danger know that the real villain was the one who claimed to be kidnapped.

By this moment, both Kid Danger and Captain Man had been knocked out, Captain Man slowly waking up 5 seconds after Kid Danger.

"Surprise..." Rick Twitler walked around the area as if he was king.

"Let us go, Twitler..." Kid Danger was locked in place as Rick walked towards him with a device.

"Haha. I think not." He pushed a device against Kid Danger's neck before Kid Danger yelled in pain.

Not being able to help his sidekick, Captain Man used all his might to break out of the trap he had caught himself in. He fell to the floor, eventually getting up and hitting Twitler over the head with a metal panel.

"Kid? You ok?" Captain Man clicked the device off, letting Kid Danger fall to the floor as he relaxed.

"I-I think so..." With Captain Man's help, he got off the floor, taking a minute to catch his breath. Captain Man noticed the spot where Rick Twitler affected him.

"I'll get Schwoz to have a look at this..." Captain Man helped Kid Danger get back to the Man Cave before Rick Twitler could do anything else.
Getting back to the Man Cave, Henry could barely stand without being in pain.

"Hey, Ray...I'll take him home..." Charlotte kissed her boyfriend on the head, before taking him back home.

Henry started to open his eyes, something changing as he sat up.

"Hey, Hen." I placed my hand on his cheek, only for him to slap it away.

"Don't touch me." He gave me an angry look.

"Hen...what's going on?" I stood up, slightly scared as he got up, angrily getting dressed.

"Get out." I did what he asked, running straight to the Man Cave.

"Ray. Something's wrong with Henry." I panicked.

"What could possibly be wrong with Henry? I mean, apart from being badly hurt, he was fine yesterday." Ray seemingly didn't believe me.

"I'm telling you. He's acting strange." I stopped when Henry came out of the elevator.

"Hey Henry. Your girlfriend here is a little cuckoo this morning." Ray laughed as Henry, looking angry, walked over to him, using his super-fast reflexes to snatch Ray's phone from his hand.

"What did I tell you about snatching my stuff?!" Ray became angry.

"And what did I tell you about using your super-fast reflexes to take my phone!" Ray took his phone back.

"See what I mean?" I was starting to become upset. Schwoz walked up to Henry, unfortunately ending up being thrown onto the couch.

"Henry Prudence Hart! Do not throw Schwoz onto the couch!" I turned Henry around, quickly regretting my decision. His eyes were extremely dilated and his jaw was clenched.

Ray attempted to stop Henry from hurting me, but not even his indestructibility was a match for Henry, who somehow became stronger overnight. For a solid minute, Henry was fighting Ray, Ray slowly wearing down as he tried to keep Henry distracted for as long as possible.

I grabbed a laser, striking it at Henry who didn't flinch. I then grabbed the longest piece of metal I could find, hitting him on the head as he once again, didn't flinch.

He turned around, scaring me.

" don't want to hurt me." I backed away slowly as he got angrier and angrier.

"Henry...listen to me. It's me, Charlotte, your girlfriend." I tried to reason with him, until he grabbed me by my collar and lifted me off the ground.

I could see it in his eyes. A merciless soul with a glimpse of good.

"Look into my eyes." I asked him. He hesitated, but I managed to get him to took at me. I could see the glimpse of hope and good in his eyes.

"You need to kiss him." Ray barely got the comment out before catching his breath again.

Without hesitation, I kissed him. My warm lips touched his and I could feel the grip of his hands on my collar slowly loosening as he pulled away. After a few seconds, he dropped me, my body landing hard on the cold floor.

"Ow..." I sat up, Henry starting to shake and twitch up until he closed his eyes. Once he opened them, his eyes were back to normal. He was the Henry I had fallen in love with.

"Oh my god, Char, are you ok?" Henry quickly panicked as he helped me off the floor.

"I'm fine Henry. I'm just glad you're back to normal..." I kissed him, much to his surprise and delight.

"Back to normal?" He questioned me.

"I'll tell you later." I hugged him for a minute before Ray punched him in the face.

"OW!" Henry complained.

"And that's for throwing me across the room." Ray laughed.

Schwoz got up and kicked Henry in the shin.

"And that is for throwing me onto the couch." He laughed like Ray did at the sight of Henry's pain.

"Ok, that's enough pain for one day." I laughed as Henry was trying not to feel the pain.

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