Jarly- Broken friendship

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Ever since Henry was 13, his friendship with Jasper and Charlotte has never been the same. They aren't friends, to say the least.

Things got so bad between them, that Henry dropped out of school to focus on his job as Kid Danger.

"So, Kid. You never told me why you, Jasper and Charlotte stopped being friends." Ray made his point clear.

"This job is the reason why." Henry sighed as he took another bite of his salad.

"Really? What happened?" Ray seemed more interested than any boss should've been.

"A month after I became Kid Danger, the dynamic of our friendship changed. I'd constantly ditch them to help you fight crime. One day, everything changed." Henry put down his fork.

Henry had just finished helping Captain Man fight crime. He had to skip his ice-cream hangout with Jasper and Charlotte so he could help Captain Man capture The Time Jerker.

He reached his bedroom window, not knowing that Jasper and Charlotte were in his room watching the news report about the capture of The Time Jerker that had occurred only 25 minutes ago. Henry opened his window and climbed through, landing roughly on the platform the rested beneath the window. As he looked up, he saw his two best friends sitting on his couch as they focused on the TV.

"Holy moly!" Jasper nudged Charlotte as he stared at Henry.

"HOLY MOLY!" Charlotte yelled as she saw Henry dressed up as Kid Danger.

"Jasper, Charlotte...I can explain..." Henry couldn't think of any way to explain why they were seeing him as Kid Danger.

"You can explain why we're seeing you as Kid Danger? Seriously Henry?" Charlotte wasn't impressed.

"Yeah! It's like you didn't want us to know!" Jasper was pissed at the boy.

"I swear that I wanted to tell you, but my boss, Captain Man forced me not to! I took an oath!" Henry objected to Jasper's claim.

"You lied to us Henry. You told us that you worked at Junk 'N' Stuff!" Charlotte pointed it put.

"Look. Please don't be mad. I would've told you if it hadn't been for the oath..." He tried to reason with them.

"You've worked there for a month! A month Henry! You lied to your two best friends for a month!" Charlotte grabbed Jasper's arm and stormed out of Henry's room as Jasper gave him an annoyed look.

For the next couple of weeks, Charlotte and Jasper avoided Henry at all costs, not even bothering to keep his contact in their phones. It got so bad that Henry gave up on going to school and dropped out.
For the first time in 5 years, I was returning to school. Ray, as Captain Man, convinced the principal to let me graduate, if I completed a 3 hour exam that covered the entire middle and high school curriculum. I had been studying for nearly a month to pass this exam. There was 30 minutes until I was to sit the exam and I wasn't happy. I knew I wasn't going to pass, with or without help. I was going to be sitting a giant test with nearly every student that was supposed to be graduating. As I arrived at school, I saw Jasper and Charlotte standing over near her locker. I hadn't seen them and they hadn't seen me in years. Charlotte looked amazing, while Jasper just look more built.

"What are you doing here?" Charlotte looked as if she was about slap me.

"I'm here to take the final exam..." I smiled slightly.

"Why? You never even came to school." Jasper looked at me weirdly.

"Hey. I want to graduate as much as anyone here. Besides, I have to know 5 years worth of middle and high-school material in order to pass this exam!" I was getting upset.

"That's your fault Henry. You should've never dropped out of school." It's like Charlotte forgot about the fact that she and Jasper iced me out of their lives, making it impossible for me to face them every day.

"You know what. I'm not dealing with this shit. I've spent my better half of these last 5 years saving this god damn city and I won't regret taking this test! Without me, Captain Man wouldn't have been able to capture half the villains that have threatened this city. If it wasn't for me, you two, and the rest of this shitty city would've suffered. I've been saving everyone's asses and for what? For Captain Man to take the credit for everything? No way in hell. I'm proving to you two and to Captain Man that I can graduate from school and save this stupid city." I was pissed. I was also glad that no-one else was around to hear my rant.

Without thinking, Henry left the two in the hallway. He was enraged. How dare they attack me for attempting to graduate. He thought to himself as he put his bag down on the floor next to his desk, preparing for the exam.

Charlotte looked at Jasper. That's what 5 years of bottled up anger must look like. She thought to herself as Jasper began to walk to the examination room.

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