Henray- On top of the world (Part 2)

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"-It was inappropriate and wrong and I-I promise it will never happen again..." I quickly ran up to the platform and pressed the button to let the tube surround me.

"Up the tube!" I yelled before I was shot directly upwards, away from Ray.
"H-oh my god!" I panicked as I paced around my room. I was lucky that neither of my parents or Piper were home. As I continued to panic, my watch beeped. Knowing that it would be rude not to answer, I opened my watch, letting the hologram of Ray appear.

"Henry...please...come back." Ray pleaded with me.

"No. I-I'm not coming back unless there is an actual emergency." I argued.

"Fine. I'll be over at yours in 15." Ray spoke.

"No. Ray! Don't-" Before I could stop him, the call ended.

"This is gonna be so awkward..." I groaned as I waited for Ray to come over.

My head shot up as soon as I heard the sound of my window open.

"H-Hey Ray..." I awkwardly smiled as Ray climbed down from the platform under the window.

"Before we start, can you answer one question for me?" He asked. I nodded.

"Why did you run away?" Ray asked as he sat besides me.

"I think it's best for you to just listen to me Ray..." I stood up. He nodded, letting me speak.

"When we first met, something in my life changed." I began.

"Hello?" I looked around a strange place, confused when I saw a round couch appear out of nowhere, a man in a tight-fitting shirt sitting down as he rocked out to some heavy metal music. After an introduction and a lot of weird questions, he did something I never expected. He transformed into CAPTAIN MAN. I must have been the first person to ever see him transform.

"Then, I made the oath." I continued, smiling.

"I, Henry Hart, pledge to be an awesome sidekick to Captain Man, and to never, ever, tell anyone, that I am Captain Man's secret sidekick." I felt brave, and wanted for the first time.

"You left out one ever." Ray reminded me.

"Ever." I smiled.

"It is done." He shook my hand.

"After I took that oath, for the first time in forever, I felt wanted. Ever since then, I have been terrified of one day losing you. You were my first partner and I didn't want to lose the relationship I had gained with you..." I sat back besides him.

"I never wanted to lose you either Henry..." Ray held my hand. smiling.

"When I dated Chloe, Veronika and Bianca, I liked them, but I was never 'in love' with them. It felt so weird. People keep asking about Charlotte and I, but the thing is, I see her as a sister..." I admitted.

"So, what you're saying is...you're gay?" Ray was hoping I wouldn't get mad.

"I-I don't know? Maybe? I mean, I've had a crush on you for a while now." I covered my mouth, shocked at what I just admitted to him.

"Well, Henry, you don't have to worry. Cause, I've had a crush on you for a while as well." He placed his soft lips on mine, smiling. I couldn't believe that Ray has been feeling the same things that I had. Although, it kinda explained why he flirted with my mom, but never went further.

I laid down as Ray's body hovered over mine. Right at this very moment, I was feeling exactly how I felt whenever I was Kid Danger. On top of the world.

Knowing that my parents would be home soon, I quickly pushed Ray off me.

"My parents are gonna be home soon! You need to leave." I pushed him towards my bedroom window.

"Will I see you at work tomorrow?" Ray smiled.

"You know you will." I kissed him quickly before letting him get out of my room. As I watched Ray race down my street, my bedroom door opened, revealing Piper.

"Who was up here? I saw someone climb out your bedroom window." Piper looked at me as if I had been grounded beforehand.

"No-one was up here. Maybe you were just imagining things?" I smiled at her as she groaned.

"You're so annoying! You know that right?" Piper nearly slammed my door.

"Not as annoying as you!" I laughed as she shut my door, clearly ignoring my previous statement. As I sat back down on my bed, Ray beeped me.

"Hey Ray." I smiled and blush as his hologram form appeared.

"As much as I missed you Hen, we have an actual emergency. Get here ASAP!" Ray secretly blew me a kiss before ending the call.

"Ok, I swear you're talking to someone in here!" Piper barged in once again.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I smiled sweetly as she grunted as she left my room while slamming my bedroom door shut.

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