Henray- Henry's frittle problem

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Ever since the old Frittle Factory was destroyed, thanks in part to Kid Danger and Captain Man, Henry and Ray's relationship had been strained. But now, Henry's news for Ray will possibly ruin their relationship even more.

I knew that the news I had for Ray would possibly anger him, but I had no choice. My dad came home with the news and no-one was happy. Piper even locked herself in the bathroom until dad told us we weren't gonna move.

That's right. In 23 hours, I was going to be moving to Bordertown, since my dad signed papers to confirm his Project Manager position within Jack Frittleman's new Frittle Factory in Bordertown. Charlotte was the first to know, since she was with me when I got the news.
I opened the Junk 'N' Stuff front door, alerting Jasper as Charlotte closed the door behind us.

"How are you going to tell Ray? I mean, he's not gonna be happy to know that you're moving tomorrow." Charlotte had a worried expression on her face.

"YOU'RE MOVING?!" Jasper yelled in anger.

I ignored Jasper as we all made our way down to the Man Cave.

"Hey! There's my favourite employee!" Ray hugged me, slightly crushing me as I attempted to get out of his grip.

"Ray. I have news for you..." I moved away from him as he looked at me in confusion.

"I'm moving to Bordertown...tomorrow." I announced. Ray's face looked angry.

"You cannot move to Bordertown! You're Kid Danger! What happens if there's a serious emergency! By the time you get here, everyone will already be dead...except for me of course. I'm Captain Man." He gave me a short but angry lecture while also somehow reminding everyone that he's Captain Man.

"I'm only 16, Ray. If my dad say's we're moving, he can legally move me from here to Bordertown and no-one can stop him." I sighed, sitting down on the Man Couch.

"I-I can't believe you're moving." Ray was acting like this was all my fault.

"It's not my fault." I tried to calm him down.

"I'm not in the mood Henry." Ray walked off just as another emergency call came in.

We took the call while another call came in, Charlotte taking the second call.

"You take the fallen rock climber, I'll take Dr Minyak." Ray groaned before he transformed. By the time he was running up to the platform, I had shot up the tube.
After rescuing the fallen rock climber, I took him to the hospital, a news reporter smiling as she walked up to me.

"I'm here live at the Swellview County Hospital with Kid Danger. Tell us how you helped defeat Dr Minyak." She shoved the mic in my face, smiling.

"Well, actually, Captain Man defeated Dr Minyak." I admitted.

"But you helped...didn't you?" She was confused.

"Uh, no...I was actually rescuing a fallen rock climber." I watched as Captain Man walked up to me, the reporter grabbing my arm, moving me across a little bit as if to keep Captain Man off camera.

"It sounds like you're the real hero." She smiled. This comment angered Captain Man as he tried to get back into the frame of the camera.

"Uh, excuse me. Hi, hello." Captain Man smiled as she once again moved me away from him, keeping Captain Man off camera.

"Yes, and you are?" She smiled. This was getting awkward, just looking between a female news reporter and Captain Man who was getting upset. I looked away from the camera as I tried not to make eye contact with either person.

"I'm Captain Man. You know that. Everyone knows me, so..." He spoke into the mic, trying to be as formal as possible without getting upset. At this moment, I tried not to laugh as he struggled to keep in the frame.

"Oh right. You're the guy who took me out on two dates, then never called me again." She smiled at me, while I continued to look away from her, Captain Man and the camera without smiling.

"Do you want to know about how I defeated Dr Minyak?" It became a small argument between the lady and Captain Man. An argument that I was trying to get away from.

"I do not." She smiled, turning back to me.

She interviewed me more, pulling me away from Captain Man each time he got closer, until she had enough. I was trying not to laugh.

"Well, I want the people to-" Before he could continue, the female reporter spoke again, interrupting him.

"-Back to you Trent." She smiled before ending the broadcast.

"Thanks for the interview Kid Danger." The lady left before Captain Man had a chance to say anything.

"Dang damn it!" His hands formed fists. "This is all your fault." He put the blame on me.

"My fault? How is this my fault?!" I yelled at him.

"You took the interview from me!" His ego was getting in the way.

"Uh, no! Actually, she came up to me for the interview! Besides, if you wanted the interview, maybe you should've called her after the two dates!" My argument made him angry.

He kicked a trash can before leaving the scene angrily. I decided to go home after finding some place to safely and secretly transform.

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