Chenry- Out of her shell

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Charlotte isn't afraid. She hasn't been afraid for nearly 13 years of her life. Nothing really scared her, until she turned 14. One thing you could expect in every grade of school, was a bully. For Charlotte, her bully came in 9th grade, when Byshell Bilsky was released from juvie.

May 16th was a normal day for Charlotte, and nothing could go wrong for her, except, Mitch Bilsky told his sister, Byshell, that Charlotte was making fun of her. The day ended with Charlotte in a hospital bed surrounded by Ray, Jasper and Henry.

You see, when Byshell gets extremely angry, she lashes out at everyone. Unfortunately in Charlotte's case, Byshell stuffed Charlotte into a large trash can and threw her down a steep hill that led to the giant Swellview dam.

Now, cut to 2 years later. Since the Byshell incident, last year, on May 16th, Charlotte locked herself in her room for the whole day, fearing that if she left her room, Byshell would find her and hurt her.

The difference this year, is that Henry was determined to help Charlotte come over her fear, seeing as he wouldn't be a good boyfriend if he didn't. Yeah, Henry and Charlotte are dating, and have been since May 16th last year.

Looking at my phone calendar, I sighed when I saw the date. May 16th. I knew that Charlotte would be in her room, still in bed, even though there is only 15 minutes until school was supposed to start. I picked up my phone, dialling Charlotte's home number.

Mrs Page: Page residence.

Me: Hey Mrs Page. Is Charlotte still home?

Mrs Page: Yes she is. I have already called ahead and excused her from her classes.

Me: Am I able to come over?

Mrs Page: Of course Henry. I think she'll be glad to see you.

I hung up the call, getting dressed before I made my way over to her house. I got there, smiling when her mom opened the door. She let me upstairs. I opened Charlotte's door to see her sitting up in her bed, holding her phone.

"Hey Char..." I smiled, sitting on her bed. She rested her head on my lap, smiling.

"So, how's my beautiful girlfriend this morning?" I asked as she intertwined her hand with mine.

"Ok. My anxiety isn't as bad as before." She hugged me.

"How about we try going to school?" Charlotte gave me a death glare.

"Henry, no!" Charlotte laid back on her bed.

"Char, don't worry. Bysh is back in juvie for drinking in school. She won't be there. Besides, Jasper and I will be with you the whole time. If at any point your anxiety becomes a problem, we can either come back here or to the Man Cave..." I held her hand. She shook her head as I lifted her out of the bed.

"Henry-" Before she could object, I stopped her.

"-Char...please? For me?" I asked, giving her my puppy-dog eyes.

"Fine..." She groaned, getting out of bed before getting dressed and packing her bag.

I held her hand as she took a deep breath in. We walked into the school.

Jasper smiled as he saw us.

"Hey Char. How are you feeling?" Jasper hugged her.

"H-Henry's helping me face my fear." She smiled as she gripped my arm.

"It seems to be working so far." I smiled as I kissed her forehead.

"Well, if you need any help, feel free to ask me." Jasper smiled as he hugged her once again.

The day went on as normal. Charlotte's classes were stressful, but not as stressful as worrying about Byshell turning up at school.
It had been nearly an hour since school was finished. With Charlotte's permission, I took her to the Man Cave, so she could relax, knowing that Byshell couldn't find her.

"Hey love birds. Charlotte, how are you doing?" Ray wrapped his arm around her shoulder as she smiled.

"I'm more confident..." She looked at me.

"Yeah. She went to school today..." I held her hand as Ray sat down at the monitors.

"That's awesome Char!" Ray had been keeping up on her, so she didn't feel like she was coping all by herself.

"So Ray? Any sign of The Time Jerker?" I asked as Charlotte sat down on the Man Couch. I watched as she laid down.

"Nope. Both Jasper and Schwoz have been trying to help. Maybe my little genius, Charlotte, would like to come and help me?" Ray smiled at the girl who had sat up again.

"Sure Ray." She walked over, putting her 'detective' skills to work. She was like Batman, but not rich. I was proud of her.

"I'll leave you two to be detectives..." I smiled as I walked to the elevator. Charlotte ran up to me and gave me a kiss before she ran back over to Ray, who had got a few files up on the monitors. I entered the elevator, feeling proud of Charlotte.

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