Jiper- Keeping a secret

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(A/N: Piper is the same age as Henry, Jasper and Charlotte)

I sat down with Piper, her head on my shoulder. After a near death experience, and me saving her, she saw me in a new light, and decided to give me a chance as a boyfriend.

"Hey Piper? Have you seen Henry recently?" I asked, turning my head to face the girl who was smiling at the movie.

"No. I've just assumed he's stuck at work." Piper snuggled into me.

"JASPER! PIPER!" Charlotte raced into the Hart living room, switching the movie off.

"What the butt Charlotte?!" Piper freaked out.

"Sorry, but...Henry's on the news." Charlotte took a breath.

"For what?" I was confused.

"This." She turned on the news report.

"After numerous missing persons records, local 17-year-old Henry Hart, twin brother of Piper Hart, president of the Man Fans, has been confirmed kidnapped. The assailants have been identified as Dr Minyak, The Toddler and The Time Jerker." Trent announced as Piper's eyes widened.

"H-Henry's been kidnapped?" She was starting to freak out after Charlotte turned off the broadcast.

"Why did you take me? What do you want me for?!" I shook the cage that I had been locked in for 4 hours.

"Well, Henry Hart. We know your secret." Dr Minyak pouncing my name sounded weird.

"What secret?" I was trying to lie, but The Toddler looked uninterested.

"That you're Kid Danger. And don't lie. We have all the evidence to prove our theory." The Time Jerker looked more crazy than ever.

"I'm not Kid Danger, and you just thinking that is ridiculous." I scoffed.

"Testing rock..." Dr Minyak threw a heavy rock at me, and luckily, I stopped my super fast reflexes from letting me catch it fast.

"See? I'm not Kid Danger. Wouldn't Kid Danger have caught that rock?" I smiled.

"Argh!" The Toddler groaned.

"You are Kid Danger...and we will show the entirety of Swellview and the world." The Toddler smiled.

"Piper, I have to go with Charlotte, but I'll be back as soon as I possibly can...ok?" I stood up, Piper standing up with me.

"Is this about Henry?" She held my arm.

"Yes, but, I really need to go!" I kissed her forehead.

"Since this about my brother, I'm going with you two!" She demanded.

"Piper! Just stay here! Please!" I walked off.

Luckily, Piper didn't follow Charlotte or me, making this situation less difficult.

"You guys are here finally!" Ray smiled before he ran over to the monitors.

"What do we do about Henry? They've got him, probably because they know his secret!" Charlotte panicked.

"We have to wait until they take him somewhere different." Ray explained.

"Why?" Charlotte was confused.

If they know his secret, they'll want to expose him!" I smiled, knowing their intentions.

"Guys! Look!" I moved their attention to the monitors.

"The Toddler, The Time Jerker and Dr Minyak have been spotted at the top of Swellview High-School, still holding the boy hostage." Trent announced.

"We need to go...now!" Ray transformed into his uniform.

We all made our way to the school, panicking when Henry was on the roof, slowly backing towards the edge.

"HENRY!" Piper screamed as I held her.

"C'mon kid! Show everyone that you're Kid Danger...and we'll let you go." The Time Jerker smiled.

"What is he talking about? Why do they think he's Kid Danger?!" Piper looked at me in shock.

"I-I-" I couldn't think of what to say to her, until Henry stepped on the edge. By this time, every citizen in Swellview was at the school, watching everything go down. People were taking photos and recording everything.

Against the oath that Henry took 3 years ago, he grabbed a gumball from his tube of gum, chewed it and transformed into Kid Danger in front of every single citizen in Swellview, as well as citizens from Bordertown, Neighborville and Rivalton, as well as KLVY News.

"HENRY!" Piper screamed her heart out as Henry leaned back, falling off the school roof, before using one of his powers to prevent him from hitting the ground.

"My brother is Kid Danger. But my brother is gross. So Kid Danger is gross?! But I love Kid Danger! SO I LOVE MY BROTHER?! AHHH!" Piper screamed.

"Henry! Are you ok?!" I ran up to my best friend, hugging him as he looked around at what he had just done.

"Y-You knew he was Kid Danger?" Piper looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"I-I-" I couldn't think of what to say without her getting angry at me.

"You knew my brother was Kid Danger and you never told me!" Piper was mad.

"I-I'm so sorry Piper..." I attempted to talk to her, but she didn't want to listen.

"I thought I could trust you Jasper. But you've been lying to me and keeping a secret all this time..." Piper ran off crying.

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