✨T W E N T Y✨

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And why had I promised Lando to come with me? Oh right, I hadn't promised anything and yet here I was standing in front of the check-in. Lando had explained to me beforehand what the plan was for today. Which was actually just the press conference and the track walk. During the press conference I was allowed to sit in Lando's driver room. No problem, as long as I had my book with me. But it wouldn't take so long that I could die of boredom anyway.

 In fact, I had accidentally finished Lando's salad and two Coke bottles before he came back. He looked at me slightly annoyed when he noticed the mess. I had to stifle a smile. "Why, Hailey?" he wanted to know from me, annoyed, and pointed to the clothes that were no longer hanging in the wardrobe but spread around the room. "I was bored and then I tried on your clothes," I tried to explain as indifferently as possible. "I can see that," he grumbled, but then his gaze finally fell on me and he couldn't suppress a small smirk. "Okay, that's cute," he then commented and started picking up the clothes. The only thing I was wearing right now was actually just a pair of sweatpants and one of Lando's jumpers, which of course was way too big for me. But I had needed another jumper, because unfortunately the only clean one had been a crop jumper that Cara had once bought for herself. But since she didn't like it much afterwards, she just stuffed it in my wardrobe. But that didn't really matter now, because I was wearing something I liked. "Come on then. We don't want to keep the others waiting." I nodded briefly at Lando and promptly a queasy feeling spread through me. In a moment it would be time. I would be going on a fucking run. Once again I took a deep breath before I ventured out of the room and finally headed towards the pit-lane with Lando and two or three other people. But it couldn't be bad. After all, it was just tarmac we would be walking over.

"Relax, Hailey," Lando murmured and put his hands on my shoulders from behind. I instantly relaxed at his touch and sighed sorrowfully. We just stood at the stall for a moment because Lando had to go to the bathroom again before we could leave. Now we could finally leave and I didn't know whether to be happy or to vomit. I decided for neither and instead reached carefully for Lando's hand. Smiling, he took note and gave mine a quick squeeze. The emotional chaos inside me calmed down more and more the further we walked along the track. I don't know why I had made such a fuss, because by now I was actually enjoying it. "When did it happen?" suddenly came from Lando, who had actually been quite concentrated for the last quarter of an hour. A little irritated, I raised my eyebrows briefly, but then understood what he meant. "Two thousand and fourteen," I murmured softly. I was fourteen then, my brother eighteen. "You haven't been to any track in four years?" He sounded slightly shocked, which made me smile. "It's not the end of the world, Lando. A lot of people have never been to a race anywhere." He pulled a pout, which made me laugh a little. Since we were just running over a boring straight anyway, we could just talk so nicely. "How are you feeling?" he then asked cautiously, looking down at me uncertainly. I smiled happily. I felt freer. The pressure in my chest had eased and I felt better than just fine. "I honestly don't know why I didn't go back sooner." Lando seemed relieved as he expelled the air he had been holding earlier and put an arm around my shoulders. "So you're coming to practice tomorrow too?" I nodded with a smile. "I'm coming along to quali on Saturday too."


In the evening I sat in my room and relaxed properly for the first time that day. I had been so tense all the time that my shoulders were already aching and I was looking for some stretching exercises on the internet. Unfortunately, I didn't find any that I thought would help. So I decided not to do anything about it and went over to Cara. I hadn't seen her for the last few weeks and admittedly missed her a lot. But I couldn't find her in her room, so I decided to go and see the drivers. And I couldn't find them either. Cara leaves me alone? The situation seemed a bit strange to me, but I thought nothing of it and went downstairs to the lobby. With my lack of attention, I promptly ran into someone. "Sorry," I mumbled and shook my head briefly. Once again, I had to look up as this person was also taller than me. "I'm sorry. I should have been paying more attention." "It's okay." I was about to turn away when I remembered to just ask him about my best friend. "Do you happen to know where Cara is?" so I asked, but only got a questioning look. "Oh sooo, yeah right. The model at McLaren, right?" I nodded. "She was just on the sports floor." Gratefully, I nodded. "I'm Hailey by the way," I then introduced myself. "Pierre. Nice to meet you." I nodded again with a smile and then made my way over to my best friend.

Sure enough, I found all three of them at the gym. Might as well have let them know. "Hey you three... four," I improved as I then spotted George as well. They all greeted me but didn't pause in their activities. Since no one had time for me, I decided to go back to the lobby. Maybe I would meet people there. So I told them and disappeared again.

Back in the lobby, I saw Pierre again. He was sitting in one of the armchairs and typing on his smartphone. "Hey Pierre," I greeted him with a smile and sat down with him. "Did you find Cara?" he asked, also smiling slightly. "I did. Are you waiting for someone?" Pierre nodded. "I'm waiting for Charles. We were going to have dinner together." "Can I maybe come with you?", I then asked cautiously. I didn't really know where to go with myself, as I didn't want to be alone, but sport wasn't something I volunteered for either. Besides, Pierre seemed to be called and it was about food. "I think so. Charles won't mind." A little later, Charles arrived and agreed. 

I'm sorry, guys. My mistake. I just forgot to upload it in english. 

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