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Nervously, I wiped my hands on my trousers. "Is everyone there? So really everyone?", I asked Lando again. "My parents and my sisters. Still Hailey." Again I wiped my hands on my pants, whereupon Lando put his hand on mine. "Relax. They won't eat you yet. Besides, you already know Flo." I nodded and took a shaky breath in and out. "That's so cute how nervous you are just about that." I smiled weakly and finally relaxed.

The car stopped in the driveway and it felt like my heart had come to a standstill as well. "Ready?" I nodded hesitantly and got out with my heart pounding. After Lando locked the car, he took my hand and pulled me towards the front door. My legs felt like jello and I was pretty sure I would escape if Lando didn't hold me. He pressed the doorbell and not a second later, the door was opened. "Hi you two," his mother greeted us and hugged us. "I'm Cisca and you must be Hailey, right?" I nodded with a smile. I liked Cisca already. Her voice was pleasantly soft and made me feel a bit at home. We walked further into the hallway and then finally into the dining room. There sat the rest of the family. Well, except Lando's brother. Lando said he didn't have time today. But that was no big deal. Finally, everyone stood up and hugged me in greeting. "My girlfriend, Hailey," Lando introduced me after telling me each name, which was already starting to confuse me. Twice Cisca?

 "The dinner was really delicious," I thanked him and sighed contentedly. We had talked about all sorts of things. For example, about Flo's training, where I had learned that her trainer would be out for a few weeks and she had not yet found a replacement. We started to set the table when an idea came to me. "Uh Flo," I addressed her. She put her plate in the dishwasher and then turned to me. "I'm looking for a riding partner and if you need some help with training, I'd be available. Would it be okay if I..." "Yeah sure. I'd love to. In fact, that would be perfect to be honest. Thanks." "Not for that." "Shall we do the paper thing now then, so that's done?" "So it's firm now?", I harped again, to which Flo nodded. "I'm sure my dad will say yes and you already know two horses. Besides, you're Lando's girlfriend and you're practically family anyway. So what's wrong with that?" "You're right. Nothing."


"By the way, I need your car every day now," I told Lando in a good mood. "And why is that?" We were just on our way back and I tried to memorise the way as best I could. "I'm Flo's new coach. But don't worry, it says in the contract that the race weekends are free." "You're welcome to it, as long as you don't wreck it." I quickly shook my head. "I won't. I promise." "What do you think of my family anyway?" "They're nice. I don't even know why I bothered." I saw that Lando was smiling. "I'm really glad you guys get along. You're really the most important thing to me and I don't know what I would have done if you didn't like each other." "I'm important to you?", I asked again. "Of course you are Hailey! What do you think? I love you! Then that goes without saying!" came uncomprehendingly from Lando. "I've never been anyone's most important person. Not even of me," I muttered, nervously playing with the hem of Lando's T-shirt. He didn't reply to that, just put his hand on mine. "I'm proud of you, by the way." I looked up at him, uncomprehending. "You were wearing a t-shirt. Your arms... you know," he tried to explain. I looked down at my forearms where fine bright lines could be seen. Immediately, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. Damn, I'd forgotten I had something there in the last few days. "I...", I started, but then broke off. "Thank you."

Back home, I decided to call Cara first. I hadn't heard from her for long enough. "Hello Honey!", she greeted me in a good mood. "How are you?" she asked. "Good so far, and you?" "Excellent! It's just a bit lonely without you. But Jack is with me for the weekend. So it won't be quite so lonely," she began. "I'd say I'd come back home, but I got a job here. As a trainer for Lando's sister," I reported. "So you're not coming home at all?" "Probably not... and Cara... I've found my home. Finally." "Lando, isn't it?" Her voice sounded monotone, emotionless. "Are you mad?" "Hailey. You're my best friend. How could I be mad at you? You finally found happiness!" I smiled weakly. "I'll come back home if you need me. You know that, right?" "Sure. Maybe I can rent out the guest room," she suggested. "I have no problem with that, as long as my room, stays my room." "It will always be your room." "Thank you. I met Lando's parents today, by the way." "And how was it?" "Everyone super nice. I felt really welcome. And you know what? I wore a t-shirt!" "Lando is good for you Honey. Really. But I have to go now." And then she had hung up. Just like that.

"Oh well Lando. If you don't mind me bugging you every day now, next time Cara would bring me a suitcase of my stuff," I said casually over dinner. "Does that mean you want to move in here?" A big smile had settled on Lando's face. "Yep. You're stuck with me," I laughed and took a sip of my milk.

After putting my plate in the dishwasher, I went into the living room and turned on the TV. I flicked once through what felt like every channel, but found nothing that interested me. "Lando!", I called to my friend who came slithering into the living room. I looked at him attentively. He looked exhausted. "Is there anything I can do for you?" he asked caringly, but I just stood up and wrapped my arms around his stomach. Carefully, he hugged me back. I hugged him to me, just enjoying his closeness. "You look exhausted," I murmured against his chest, "Are you going to tell me why? Did something happen?" Lando was silent. 

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