The other was:"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." 


(Listen to Alive by Krewella)

After the graduation ceremony was over, all of us went to the huge school hall where our farewell party was arranged by our juniors. As soon as we entered, "Alive" by Krewella blared from the speakers. On one side of the hall, some food tables were set up which had cupcakes, fruit punch, crisps with garlic dip and a whole lot of other stuff. There was a photo booth as well where we took crazy pictures......and by crazy I mean really crazy pictures! 

"So how was Australia?" I asked Mark as he handed me a glass of fruit punch while the others were stuffing themselves near the food table. I had to yell because of the loud music in order for him to hear me. 

""It's amazing. I got myself a pretty sweet apartment the very next day I landed." He told me.

"That's awesome! What's your major subject, I mean have you decided a profession yet?" I asked as the song changed to "Bitchin Summer by Avril Lavigne."  

"Yeah I'm gonna go for documentary making" He stated.

"Cool, you've always wanted to do that right?" 

"Yeah." He said and smiled.

"We'll I'm really happy for you!" I said and gave him a hug. He hugged me back while thanking me. 

"Do you have to go though?" I asked and bit my lip. 

"Yes pickle! Don't expect me to stay here and take flights to Australia every morning to attend my classes!" He laughed and I rolled my eyes. 

"I promise I'll come visit on holidays." He promised.

"If you don't , I'll drag your ass back here!" I threatened which made him laugh again.

"So did you make any friends?" I asked

"I didn't have to. My two friends from school are going to the same university as me."

"Your friends from before you came back here?" 


"Are they hot?" I asked and he shook his head in disbelief. 

"I'm not gay Mia." I laughed at this 

"I have my doubts!" I gave him a suspicious look

"I have my doubts." He mimicked me in a girly voice and man it was hilarious! 

"I hate you." He said

"No you love me!" 

"I have my doubts." 

"Oh I see what you did there!" I punched him playfully in the arm as he laughed. 

"So how many girls have you banged yet?" I asked 

"I haven't slept with any girl yet and I don't intend to either. I've changed." He stated

"Oh really?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. I couldn't believe my ears! The guy who used to have one girl by his side on one day and another on another day had changed?!

"Yeah......I don't know why but I find sex boring now!" He said.

"Yeah? What do you find fun now?" I asked

"I don't know but I'm a goody two shoes now." He tried to make an innocent face but failed badly! 

"I still don't believe you." 

"I'm serious, I swear. I mean sometimes I regret the fact that I've hurt so many girls and used to laugh about it!"

"You heartless little asshat!" I said

"Ouch!" He placed his hand on his chest and made a depressed face which made me laugh till tears began to flow from my eyes. 

"I don't do that anymore because I've had my share of 'pleasure'. I don't like playing with girl's feelings now. I want to settle with one chick." He said and ran a hand through his hair. 

"How deep." I said sarcastically and he laughed. 


The party finally ended and all of us dropped Mark at the airport. The girls and I wanted to spend more time with him after the party but couldn't because he had a flight to catch back to Australia. 

"Hey, I've been wanting to tell you something since morning but ended up not telling you because I didn't want to ruin graduation for you." Jake blabbered as he pulled up his car in front of my house. 

"Go on......." I had a bad feeling about this!

"I'm going back to Rosenwood..............." He said and waited for my reaction which was complete and utter shock!

 DUN DUN DUN!!!!! So how was it? Did you like? I'm so sad Mark's leaving but don't worry my next book is gonna be completely on his life in Australia.......Excited? I know I am! 

Like I mentioned earlier, PH is coming to an end and I really hope you guys support my next book just like you've supported this one! I love every single one of you! Especially @WiggleMeHigh, @CookieDough5000, @FOOD_LOV3R, @cherryandcharm, @harrysflirtysmirk, @PinchMeHard and Haadia (Sorry I forgot your username :p) If I have left out anybody, I am sorry but I still love you <3 

Vote.Comment.Love gummy bears.


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