30. Back To Italy

Start from the beginning

"Hey, guys! My mom reckons that she is cool," Maddie said. Maya looked offended completely.

"I am a cool Mom!" Maya repeated in self-defence. Dean and Vic chuckled. "You guys, I'm a cool mom right?" She asked looking at them both.

"Well... I mean," Vic paused when she saw the look her captain and best friend was giving her, "Ah yeah, squirt. Your mom's cool," Vic said as she shoved her hands in her pocket and nodded in her direction. "Yep, cool, cool as a cucumber," she added.

"Wow, I feel like I haven't you in forever Mini Bishop!" Dean exclaimed.

"I know right, look how much taller I am now!" Maddie grinned while Dean quickly looked at her and shook his head. "I'm like a whole inch taller!" She said.

"Nah, you're still a little on the short side, short-stack," Dean commented while he continued to make fun of her height. Vic instantly hit Dean's arm and he whelped in pain.

"Don't be mean to the kid Miller," Vic said.

"Mom, tell Uncle Dean to stop being mean!" Maddie whined. Maya laughed and raised her eyebrow.

"I mean, if only you admitted that I was a cool mom," Maya said subtly.

"Seriously?" Maddie groaned.

"Seriously," Maya couldn't help but smirk at her teenage daughter as Dean then moved to make fun of the teenager's height in a joking manner by bending down to her level.

"Ah alright, mom... you're cool. Just please tell uncle Dean to stop taking the mick out of my height!" Maddie said annoyed.

"Miller quit making fun of my daughter," Maya said with a stern facial expression. Dean instantly stood up straight at the look his Captain was giving him. "Don't you have anything better to do? Shift starts in fifteen," Maya reminded him.

"Yes, Captain," Dean obeyed and quickly ducked away upstairs. Maddie couldn't help but laugh at how Dean cowered against her mom. Maya continued to wear a stern expression but relaxed when he disappeared and laughed with Vic and Maddie.

"Alright, I need to go and get changed into my uniform," Maya said as she turned to walk towards her office.

"I want to go see everyone else. I haven't seen them in a while," Maddie said.

"They're all upstairs in the beanery. Come with me and let's go find them," Vic offered and Maddie nodded excitedly. It had been a while since she'd hung out with any of them properly, apart from Jack & Ben on separate occasions.

"Yes!" Maddie exclaimed as she fist-pumped the air. Both older women chuckled while Vic slung her arm around Maddie's shoulder.

"Okay, stay out of trouble and I'll come to find you in a bit," Maya said while Maddie was too busy practically pulling Vic up the stairs to listen to what her mom was even saying.

"Hey, look who's here!" Vic announced as the firefighter and teenager walked into the Beanery. Andy, Ben, Jack and Travis were all sitting around the table while Robert was making himself breakfast.

"Aye, Mad-Dog!" Jack yelled. Maddie couldn't help but giggle hearing that nickname.

"I still love that nickname," Maddie said. Andy stood up from the table to give the teenager a hug.

"Ah, Mija! I have missed you," Andy exclaimed, crushing the blonde teen in a tight hug.

"Ah... Ti-Tia An-Andy, I ca-can't breathe!" Maddie said while Andy loosened her grip a little but still continued to hug the teenager, "I have missed you too!"

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