Falling In Love With You

Start from the beginning

Minerva excitedly pointed them out as the glowing lantern hanging off of each carriage began to flicker in the distance. Gradually, the sounds of chatter amongst people and the hoof beats of the Thestrals became louder as they crossed the bridge.

"Look mama! There's (Y/N)!" The familiar voice of my little brother (B/N) could be heard as they crossed the threshold connecting the bridge and the stone courtyard.

Elora, who was restlessly wriggling around in my arm, cooed as the Thestrals came to a stop in front of us. Although, I don't believe she sees anything more than self moving carriages.

(B/N) jumped from his carriage and ran over to us, encasing me, well, at least my waist, in a hug.

"Wow! You've grown a lot taller these past few months (B/N)! You're only 5 and already you're as tall as some of the First Years I've seen around here." As I told him this, he seemed to have developed a proud expression on his face.

"Mhm! I'm taller than Henry too! And he's already 8!" He seemed very ecstatic about the fact that he was taller than some of his friends.

His attention then turned to Severus, who he seemed to have missed, because he ran up to him and hugged his torso as well,

"You still look like a vampire. Good."

(B/N)'s words caused us all to laugh. Everyone except Severus, who honestly didn't know how to respond to his statement.

My mother, as well as Lucas and Alex, exited the carriages after the laughter had died down. We greeted them inside and talked with one another until the sun had fully set. Then, we lead them to the Room of Requirement, where we'd set up sleeping arrangements for our guests. It was temporarily turned into what seemed like a decently sized apartment with separate bedrooms for Lucas and Alex, and my mother and (B/N).

After saying goodnight to them and making sure they had everything they needed, Severus and I headed back to our Quarters with Elora.

~Transfiguration Classroom - July 5th - Sunday Morning~

"Merlin I'm nervous.."

These were the only words I could say as I stepped into the wedding dress I had picked out half a year ago.

"Oh don't worry yourself, Dear. You look absolutely stunning." Minerva reassured me as she tied up the back of my dress.

Still a bit skeptical, I asked,

"You really think so?"

She looked up at me with a genuine smile,

"Severus won't know what hit him."

I chuckled at Minerva's reply and played with the skirt of my dress while doing so. Everyone else, other than Minerva, was currently sitting outside under the Wedding Reception tent that Severus, some Professors and I set up.

The last thing I did before leaving the room was pick up my small bouquet and have Minerva adjust the veil so that it draped behind me seamlessly.

"Are you ready, Dear?" Minerva was smiling and clasped her hands around one of mine.

I nodded my head in excitement, to which Minerva turned around and opened the door for me to exit out of.


~Wedding Reception - July 5th - Sunday Afternoon~

3rd Person:

The reception was running smoothly at the moment. Guests were seated, subtle music was playing, and the sun was shining brightly through the shear material of the tent, giving anything in the tents shadow a slight blueish tint.

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