☣ NINE ☣

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They spend their last day on the camp hanging out together. And they all agreed to swim on the stream. But I did not join them,I just watch them having fun. I looked at Hyper,Dew and Brix laughing while talking.  Hyper is extrovert that he can get people to be friends with them in a seconds. Unlike me,I can talk to people but I can't get myself to get close to them. I feel awkward whenever they force me to join on their conversation. And Hyper knows it thats why he did not force me to join with them. I was seating here on my recliner while reading a book and having a cup of tea.

I looked around when I meet God's gaze he was looking at me. He was topless. He turned his gaze to Duke when he saw me looking at him They are having a conversation while enjoying the water. I feel awkward so I remove my gazed and focus my attention on my books.

We are done eating lunch and I decided to get back to my tent while Hyper hang around with Duke and his friends. And its fine with me coz I want to be alone,I wanna recharged y'know. Just me and my thoughts. I sit on my recliner and put on my earphone and enjoy some musics.
''Blue?'' someone tapped my shoulder and i slowly opened my eyes. Its Hyper and Brix.

''Yes?'' I asked them taking off my earphone
''Lets go? We will take a walk..'' Hyper said.
''Just troll around before we go back to the city.'' Brix said.

  ''Hmm..can I just stay here? I have work to do and I don't feel like going anywhere..You guys can go I'll just stay here. Hmm?'' He said and he gave off his signature smile. So genuine that even the nosiest most perceptive person couldn't tell that there was a problem..but there is no problem he just want to be alone.

''Are you sure? You'll be okay here?'' Hyper asked him a bit worried.
I just smiled nodded and let them go. I put on my earphone and just lay on my recliner.
Its been an hour since they left I decided to take a nap. I close my eyes and try to sleep..A familiar face form an image on the back of my mind.


He looks so mysterious to me. He doesn't always talk and when he talked it always makes sense. Like he wouldn't argue but when he spit words its a fact. His smiles is so rare that you need to take a lot of effort before he gives you his sunny side.
Why does it feel like I want to know more about him? I usually don't give a fuck on some people like I don't mind them if they are a good or bad person..I don't waste my time thinking what's on them but with G..it seems like he is more on what he was showing to us I mean to me.

He don't even talk or having a conversation with me. And I don't have any guts to approached him or have any chit chats with him.  I'm not the person that will start a convo randomly. I hate approaching people and I really hate my time go to waste with some small talks. But there is something inside me that I want to sit with him and talk some random stuff for hours.
I don't know but I feel weird right now. No way Blue. You're joking right?

I opened my eyes sit straight and turn off my earphone. No Im just bored thats why I'm thinking some weird stuff. I get up and decided to changed my clothes to a shirt and shorts..I will go swimming to relax. I get my towel and headed to a stream..I'm walking so fast that I didn't realized that G is on my way,We bumped into each other and I lost our balance and we both feel into the ground..and it feels like the world stops and the next thing I knew I can feel his lips on mine.

It so soft that it feels like a I'm on a cloud, I can feel a butterflies on my chest. And I like the sensation that it gives me.
Until I realized what's happening. I pushed him hard and he get off of me frowning.

''What the hell are you doing?''

I  asked him embarassed. I did not wait his answer and I go back to my tent. That was my first kiss.
I get inside my tent and close the zipper and lay on my bed. I can still imagine what happened and that is so embarassing. I put my pillow on my face and screamed on frustration.
That was so embarassing. What the heck was wrong with you Blue? If you watch we're you're going its not gonna happen..Its your fault. He scolded himself.

Its been a week since they get back from the trip. After that kissing incident he did not meet with God again and he leave early that morning so he cannot bump with G again.
I was on my condo today and just reading books. I'don't have any scheduled meetings today so I can lazed around. Its 8am in the morning and he was preparing a sandwich and a cup of coffee for his breakfast when he heard a knock on his door.
I wasn't expecting anyone today so I'm curious who it is that take a trip on unit so early in the morning.
He slide on the chair and waltz his way to the door and take a peck on his peephole. He frowned when he sees Hyper.
I hold the doorknob and unlocked the door.

''Oh Hyper what's brings you here so early in the morning?'' I asked him with a straight face.
Hyper smiled at me and went his way inside my unit,I followed him and closed the door behind my back..

'He went straight to my living room and settled himself on my couch.

''I've been there on G's unit..'' He told me looking at me like he is about to spill a big secret.


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