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God's POV

2 Years Later

''Congratulations God! You're first ever concert  is a huge success.'' Duke congratulated me. We are at the backstage after I finish the last song. The concert is a truly a huge success. He climb the Billboard Top 100 with his first ever debut song as an artist
''Your Memories''  and his five songs that enter the charts that debuted at number 3,4,5,8 and 9.
He became well known when he first release his single My Love for You will still Remain. And now he gathered more attention when he release his album The Beat. And it all enter in the Top 100.
After Blue died he focuses his full attention to his music. He works so hard day and night just to forget the sad memories of Blue but everytime he did it it always came crashing back. He miss him so much. He always spend time to visit Blue's museum every week and bring him flowers.

And this concert and all the song that he release is all because of Blue. He can't forget him and he is like he was just living his days waiting his time to meet Blue.

He snap back on his trance when Duke patted his shoulder.
''You okay?'' Duke asked. He let out a sigh and did not answer.

''G..its been two years since Blue pass away..you are still holding his memories. Look,all the things you are doing right now is all because of Blue. Do you think if he can see you right now he will be happy? You need to let go G. Give yourself a time to be happy again.'' Duke said while looking at me. I let out a sigh and shake my head.

''I can't get off him out of my mind. He is always here. He is my everything Duke and I will never forget him. I feel happy just thinking about him. And I'm okay with it.''  I said and I stood up to pick my guitar and put it on my guitar bag.

''G, let's removed your make up.'' My make up artist called me so I turned around and looked at Duke and he just nodded. I went inside and settle in front of the mirror.

Duke's POV

I shake my head while watching G walking inside the dressing room. He changed so much after Blue passed away 2 years ago. He was no longer the God that we used to know that always talk about what he thinks,the one that always laugh at us when he did something stupid. He was so reserved now. He doesn't talk when its just some silly things and he always stay late to work hard on his songs. We rarely catch him doing nothing. He don't always hang out with us and he always hard to catch.
He was so busy that he don't have time to date. He wouldn't let go Blue's memory until now.
We just let him coz we all know that this is his defense mechanism to cope up with sadness of losing Blue.
We all sad of what happened to Blue. I still remember that time when G is still mourning about Blue's death. He locked himself on his unit for  a month and just spend his time drinking and making songs. We all worried about him that we hire people to break his door.
When we get inside we found him lying on the floor too wasted. And his unit is look like dump area.
Trash and bottles of beer and wine is all over his unit. 
Good thing he came back to his senses after we talked to him after he sober up. But he is not the same God the we used to know he changed a lot. We all realise that the old God..died when Blue passed away. And we all just accept it and never complain and this is him now. The serious,iritable and stubborn G. He was always on his own little world.

I heard my friends voices entering the door of the backstage.

''Duke!'' Its Kent.
''Where is the God'' I laughed at how Brix asked the question.
''He was indeed a God. He was so awesome in there earlier.'' Dew said.
I laugh at this dorks silliness but I agree with them God did a great job on his first ever concert.

''Anyway where is Hyper?'' I asked them
''He was in the comfort room.'' Brix answered.
''So where is G?'' Kent asked.
''He was on the dressing room removing his make up.''  I said.
''Let's celebrate boys..'' I said looking at them.
''Yes lets drink until we drop'' Hyper answered walking towards us.

After a minute God walked up to us holding his guitar with a serious face.
''The God is here!'' The 3 idiots shouted. The staff that cleaning the area look at us and laugh.
''Yes, a God..haha..he was so good.'' the other staff agreed. We both laugh but G, is still on his straight serious face.

''OK let's go.'' I stood up and they all followed me. We all get in our own car while Dew and Hyper shared a car.
''G,lets meet at the bar'' I told him. I was about to enter my car when I notice G looking at the guy standing at the railings outside the stadium.
I close the door of my car and walked up to G. He got a shocked face so I followed his gazed and I can't believe on what I am seeing.

''Blue?'' I heard G muttered. I looked at him and shift my gazed to the guy that walking with another guy they hailed a taxi and get in. G called the guy with a look like Blue but they did not hear him.

''G,Let's go.'' I called him and he get back to his car. I wait for him to leave before I get in my car and drive back to the bar.

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