☣ SIX ☣

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Blue was busy taking a photos when Hyper approached him. They are now currently exploring the waterfalls and stream. It was getting hot but Blue love it. He was so energized for this trip and good thing it going smoothy as he planned. They will hanging out with Duke and his friends and they are quiet friendly...they are approacheable and they get along well and it seemed Hyper is enjoying with this new found friend.
And he also do his best to avoid God as long as he can..he just want his space,his time alone and no one is an exception. He can go with them but he let them enjoy on their own and he walk slowly while enjoying the view taking some pictures.

''What's wrong? You've been avoiding G since we left the campsite. Did you know each other you two seems awkward.'' Hyper asked him while he aim his camera on a bird singing at the branch of the tree. He was checking the picture and ignored Hypers question but knowing this idiot he was not letting him slide.

''So silence means Yes?..Did you know each other?'' Hyper poked him. He looked at him annoyed and let out a deep sigh.

''We didn't know each other. Okay? So now shut up and give me a break. Stop asking me. I'm taking some pictures and you are distracting me. He might hear you talking bout him.''

I answered him and Hyper mimicked while pouting and catch up with Duke,Dew,Kent and Brix. God is no where to be found.

They are laughing while strolling the place and watching those different kinds of species of birds that seems so satisfied and happy with their life. I just shake my head continue taking pictures. Its already hot and I was started to sweat like a melting candle.

I feel so exhausted now so maybe I need to take a break and sit for a while...while giving my self some moment to catch my breath. And my feet started to feel numb so I sit on a big rock and rest while checking the photos that I've  have taken.

I smiled feel satisfied. I let out a deep sigh and get up looking around, but he can't find Hyper and his new found friends.
He just continue walking looking around and followed the trail.

''What the? They walked so fast.,'' He told himself while looking at his watch its 4pm so maybe he needs to go back to the camp now before it gets dark.

I'm tired but I feel satisfied. I let out a deep breath and closed my eyes while enjoying the sounds of winds that makes the trees dance on their rythem and the sweet melodies that coming from birds . He stayed on that position for a minute when he lose his balance on a rock under his feet and makes him feel to the ground but before he hit the ground a hard , someone grab his waist.

He slowly opened his eyes and the pair of  two brown eyes meet his gazes. He was glistening with sweat on his face. He got this pointed nose that can cut your face when you kissed them. He looked at his cherry red natural lips and those adams apple that makes him more deserving to call by his name. He truly deserve that name though he couldn't agree.

''How many stab did I get?''

God asked Blue while still holding his waist their face is so closed that one more moved and their lips will gonna brush with each other. Blue got back on his trance and let go of G.

''What do you mean?'' He asked while looking at G holding his camera and a backpack at his back. He looked so hot on his camping shorts and a black sweat shirt and s rubber shoes.

''Well,you are looking at me like you already killed me on your head'' G answered not looking at him and continue taking pictures.

He did not answer him just turned his backed and continue walking when G talked again.

''Hey,we need to get back now before it gets dark.'' He  turned around and saw G heading back to the trail back to their camp. He just followed G. He feel so awkward now.

Exactly 6pm when they reach the camp and Hyper and G's friend is already on the camp seating in circle while drinking.
'' G! Blue! Lets drink!'' Brix called them.

G headed to his tent without looking at him.

''Hm. I'm just gonna go with my tent to cleaned up'' He answered and smiled a bit. The gang nodded and turned to go to his tent.
He put his backpack at the back of his car and washed himself and put on a fresh pair of sweat shirt and a pants. After he did his thing he decided to make a coffee and settle himself to his recliner. He enjoyed looking at the night sky while drinking his coffee. When suddenly a familiar face appear in his mind,he was smiling with his friends but he didn't talk much. The whole day that they are together he make his best to avoid G. It doesn't because he annoyed him with his rude personality but he doesn't feel comfortable around him. He feel awkward.

He don't feel annoyed at his presence earlier but he feel something that he can't fathom while he hugged him when he lose his balance. He feel something that he can't explain. Or maybe I'm just tired so I started to think some stupid idea again. He let out a deep sigh.
He drink his coffee and lay his back at the recliner.

He can still hear the laughter in the next tent but he just ignored them and let himself enjoy the cool night air that brushing on his face that makes him relax.
He was so dead tired  but the day is awesome, More minutes have pass and he slowly closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

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